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Comment Re: for all of you conspiracy theorists... (Score 1) 17

Either way, there is a missing body (live or dead) and forged documentation at MCC. Someone needs to prove that the transferred cellmate is really at another facility. Or,will there be a third coverup? The transfer of the 'cellmate' to another facility must be followed. I believe DNA Analysis will blow this up. Maybe that is why FBI was at Little St. James

Comment Re: Appropriate arrogance (Score 1) 123

"For those who know the only thing that ever survives is information, the possibilities are larger, and the future considerably less bleak."' While a great point, what can be the ultimate point? Where can the information actually be stored for future sentient beings? Short term, maybe a future sentient species may be able to spot a satellite. Maybe Homo Sapiens could deeply engrave a Skull and Crossbones into the surface of the moon as a warning. But, no way to count on either lasting forever. Ice grinding on planet, nuke from orbit will destroy the info.

Comment Re:What would this ruling have changed, today? (Score 1) 174

Accidental precedence or not accidental, it is clear that this SCOTUS does not really want to uphold any laws that they disagree with.

It is a corrupt group, almost always by a 5-4 margin.

Sherman Antitrust be damned, the fascists rule.

In their mind, world control is all that matters.

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