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Comment Re:Is that a man or a woman? (Score 1, Insightful) 559

As a "real" woman, I ask that you not speak for me. Rather, I demand it. Any woman who has committed herself to the years of rigorous effort required to pass as female, much less actually opted for surgery, is going to be taking so much estrogen and so many androgen blockers that we 'real' women will mop the freakin' floor with her unless she was already a gifted athlete in her prior life. And if she was, she deserves the right to compete and demonstrate that against her peers.

Comment Re:Why bras? (Score 3, Informative) 177

This is not actually true - the shape of one's breasts is far more closely related to genetics, nutrition, and number of children nursed. Especially nutrition - most of the effects of nursing are due to borderline nutritional quality during lactation. If all of your protein is going to making milk instead of maintaining your mammary ligaments your breasts will sag.

So you have birth control pills and improved farming practices to thank for perky breasts.

Comment Re:Long term effects? (Score 2) 129

You end up with seacoasts covered in dead fish. The local birds are often fairly happy for a week or so, but since it's a one-time or only rarely and irregularly repeated thing there's no significant long term effect that I'm aware of.

It probably also kills any corals and sponges in the area, so depending on how fully killed the reefs are you lose reef protection, resulting in stronger storm surges and faster beach erosion.

Comment Re:Are you serious? (Score 1) 491

There are projects underway in the environmental movement to purchase US coal export terminals and close them, as well as to purchase mining rights in coal-producing areas. Very similar to well-established programs to purchase tracts of rainforest. I'd say they are well aware of China's expanding use of coal and the subsequent greenhouse gas emission.

Comment Re:Ummm. (Score 2) 452

No one who knows what they are doing uses raw manure on farm fields. The nutrients are still locked into complex molecules and can't be easily taken up by the plants. All manure used on fields is to my knowledge composted, and at large scales goes through hot composting which elevates the internal temperature of the pile to over 130degF, more than adequate to kill nearly all pathogenic bacteria. Try again.

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