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Comment Re:The power should be cached in the community (Score 1) 533

You said "inexpensive". You didn't say "one time expense".

That said, you're basically arguing with the wrong person. As I said I'm 100% off-grid, love it totally, and wouldn't change it for the world. But it's not cheap, and that's what the original post was alleging to a degree I thought was too much.

FYI panels last around 20-ish years or so nowadays. They used to degrade roughly 1% a year but the newer ones don't....closer to .25% or so (haven't had mine long enough to really tell any difference at all).

No way I'd use a refurbished battery, but to each his own there.


Comment Re:Help me out here a little... (Score 1) 533

I honestly don't know why you're being hostile....please explain how I'm to tell one AC from another?

As to answering an AC but thinking the conversation has gone too far without greater identification, you'll note I did engage the AC. Since I can't tell if further posts are him/her or if multiple people are involved I figured that was the end of it.

I did in fact explain precisely what my reasoning was (this is the post if you need help). To my mind the question as asked and answered.

Really, the onus is on or more of the ACs to either say "thank you" for my explaining or to engage in further discussion. I would request the courtesy of an actual user ID however if they wish to continue.


Comment Re:Help me out here a little... (Score 1) 533

I note I'm speaking to an AC in an AC thread here...but what the heck.

The original post did indeed read very much as if the OP was fobbing off most of the problems and costs to other people. This might not be what he/she intended of course, but he/she hasn't jumped back in to defend them either. I'm afraid I interpreted them virtually the same as the AC I agreed with did.

Having now had at least two and possibly three ACs in this conversation, I must insist on actual names for further conversation....


Comment Re:Help me out here a little... (Score 1) 533

Not sure how you get from nationalizing energy production to exploring space....?

In either event if you knew anything about Cold War history you'd know that the Russians primarily operated their space program as a way to shake out various engineering issues for their ballistic missiles--putting a person into space was just a nice touch and gave them bonus propaganda points. And to further push a bit nobody said government couldn't do some things well, just that they generally can't do them as well as private industry.

But that's off the subject, which was privatiziation vs. nationalization of power production. How do you avoid the obvious lessons learned over the past few decades that point against such nationalisation? Are you saying it would work here in the United States for same reason where it hasn't in other places? What specifically makes you think that?

Do you include companies such as Solar City and what Elon Musk is doing with his Tesla power packs for the home in this nationalization? Why or why not?


Comment Re:The power should be cached in the community (Score 3, Interesting) 533

A small lead acid bank capable of driving a house for an evening isn't that expensive.

Please define "not that expensive".

Eight of these for example would run you just about $3000 (I chose 8 to get you to a 48V system, the common configuration for off-grid systems these days). I include shipping but not the wiring and interconnects and such to make them work for you:

A lead-acid system shouldn't be discharged more than around 20% in order to avoid longer term damage; you can discharge them more deeply but you'll shorten their life significantly: of Batteries

Scroll down to the "Cycles vs. Lifespan" section and click on that chart. It's amazing.

So if you are likely to use half of your storage (~225AH for those selected) then a single set of batts would be discharged 50% in normal use. At that rate the batts will last you around 1000 charge/discharge cycles, so a bit less than 3 years if it's every day. If you want them to only be discharged 75% (moves you up the lifetime curve to 2000 charge/discharge cycles or around 5.8 years) it'll cost you double the price above, or around $6K. And quite honestly 225AH is a very shallow system....we're not talking about much being on overnight here. You definitely couldn't consider running a microwave--you'd tap that puppy right out.

I'm leaving out the equipment costs and such; charge controllers to dump power into the batteries and an inverter to take power out will add around $5K more.

I love the idea of as many folks as possible having back up and/or being off-grid entirely (I am) but it ain't cheap. I did it because I had no other choice here; the house is 5 miles away from the nearest power line.


Comment Re:Solar is here to stay (Score 1) 533

Battery cost has dropped by 94% in 20 years.

I'm sorry but that's uninformed nonsense. Battery prices have barely budged in the last 5 years--I know, I've got an off-grid system that needs batteries for off-hours and bad weather storage.

The biggest single advancement batteries have made in the last 20 years was to put carrying straps on the sides of the things so they're a bit easier to handle.


Comment Re:Help me out here a little... (Score 1) 533

The grid needs to be privatised. Electricity is something we all need, like roads and other basic infrastructure. It should work for the general good, not profit.

Um, I think you mean nationalized in this context. You want it to be owned by the government for the "general good", whereas privatizing it would mean it was run for a profit.

I disagree completely of course--it was nationalized in the Soviet Union and it is nationalized in places like Venezuala and Cuba. Power don't work so good there.


Comment Re:Ok.... Here's the thing, though ..... (Score 2) 533

Good post; thank you. I think many who champion renewables don't understand the issues involved in spinning up/shutting down the big power plants, and what that means for grid stability.

I'd tend to agree that we want to see more smaller scale power plants and I think we will over time, though it's going to be difficult. The industry has spent a lot of time and effort consolidating everything into larger facilities mostly out of sight, so to move smaller facilities out into the suburbs runs into all kinds of problems. You'll have the NIMBY folks of course no matter what kind of plant it is. There will be infrastructure rebuilds and re-routes that will disrupt people and cause their own set of problems. A big solar field will probably have less opposition generally, but of course those require a lot of room--which can be hard to find near a suburb.

Concur completely about going LED where it's possible. I live 100% off-grid and so watch every watt that the house uses like a hawk. Recently I just swapped out all of my halogen track lights to LEDs, dropping energy use (if they were all on at once) from 2000W to 320W--an amazing difference. These track lights were the last remaining "hard" lights to replace as they're a GU-10 form factor and there aren't a lot of that size LEDs out there.

Now I can focus on the rest of the house with more "conventional" bulbs. Everything else in the house is CFL; there are 255 lights in all inside and I've managed to covert 125 of those to LED so far. It'll be a project I probably won't finish for a year (LEDs are pricey) but when I'm done I'll use a lot less power for my lighting.

Small steps!


Comment Re:My Off Grid Experience (Score 1) 281

Not really sure if that's in response to me or not...

If it is then the simple answer is I have a fairly large house and I never intended it to be the "typical off-grid house". This is a modern house with all manner of modern stuff. I use between 600W and 1000W per hour most hours, a little more if things all come on at the same time or something. My current battery stack simply can't handle anywhere near that much (it really couldn't even when it was new, much less so now that the batts have been damaged and inadvertently abused). My next battery stack will be able to power me for three days if I don't get much or any sunlight which will more than handle all but the darkest stretches.

LED bulbs will only get you so far--you've still got well pumps and microwave ovens and circulation pumps that will do their thing from time to time. Even the Grundfos pumps (which are what I have) still use power.


Comment Re:i live off the grid completely... no other opti (Score 1) 281

One of the first things I did once we moved in was to ban all electric space heaters--they all went to the ARC. As you say they're immense draws and will take a battery stack down faster than nearly anything.

Now, since then I've relented slightly and picked up a couple of small (200W) heaters off of Amazon for my mother. Even though she keeps her apartment area at Bermuda-like levels (~85 degrees F) she still can get cold when she first gets up on a winter morning, so one of these under her blanket over the easy chair does wonders. But that's basically my only concession there.

I did also move all of my computing to a laptop but that was mostly because the desktop died and I've decided to redo my computer room (basically a third story tower room). But by the time I have that up and running I'll have the new battery stack and won't be as worried about it.


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