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Comment Re:HyperDuo (Score 1) 353

I have my primary (1.5tb) drive connected to a 128gb ssd via a Silverstone "hddboost" unit. What this does is clone the first 128gb of your hard drive to the SSD. What you do then is to keep your hard drive defragmented with the OS and program files organised towards the beginning(cached) segment of the drive. When you do this make sure you put your page file to another drive so it and it's continual changes do not get cached to the drive. The bonus of this is that it is seamless, If I have the SSD die I can just replace it and off it goes and keeps working, if i decide I don't want it anymore then I just bypass it and the Windows install keeps working without missing a beat (I've confirmed that this is the case out of curiosity)

  Once you've got all your programs installed and have everything running it seems to keep ticking along quite nicely and provides a performance boost around midway between using a SSD and a platter drive by itself. Now this doesn't help you if you are one of those sorts that just cannot keep well enough alone and continually tinker with your system as changes will have to be re-cached and the boost will be negligible until it has gone and re-cached that first segment of the drive.

I've also got a slightly different system set up for my Steam games drive. Namely a Highpoint 1220 caching controller along with another 128gb SSD. I initially bought this second system to use for my boot drive but as it turned out to be such a massive pain in the ass to set up I ended up giving up and buying the Silverstone device and relegating this to caching my games drive to see how it would go performance wise. After some initial positive results many months ago I kept it on my system as it did improve things noticeably.

Oh and for those that care for such things, other specs for that system include 12gig of ram and an i5 3570, so I wasn't just upgrading one subsystem to the detriment of others.

Comment Re:haha what? (Score 1) 158

The answer I would have gone with is if you wanted to keep the same desk was to use a KVM and have things separated. Others suggested Clever VM ideas which I think are pretty neat. However you're right. There's no separation of systems in case things go to crap on one and you need to use another pc as a plan-b or you need to quickly interrupt your recording session to do something on the Dev environment for whatever reason (say you received an inane phone call at 9 at night from someone you've been waiting all week to hear from, etc)..

In any case there has to be some form of partitioning between the systems, be it physical or logical. One system configured to do all will find more limits than dedicated equipment/systems for each specific task

Comment Re: This is the real danger (Score 1) 670

Firstly I'll agree with you on one thing, some people whom are parents, SHOULDN"T be. Unfortunately parental licensing or beating the dickheadedness out of someone are both things that aren't legal anywhere I know of. Just because some people are hopeless at being alive (and consequently being parents) doesn't mean that everyone should be tarred with the same brush. Some of us actually TRY to be good parents and try to lead by example to our children as opposed to just auto-piloting through and hoping things turn out ok on the other side..

Sometimes no matter what you do to guide or educate your children and how well behaved a child is otherwise, a kid is just going to off the deep end and just make a God awful racket regardless of where they are and you can't do a damn thing about it. That is aside from trying to parent that behaviour out of them, either at the time or afterwards. While all this is going on you still have to live a day to day life, you can't exactly go locking kids in the basement (a-la Fritzl) until they are old enough to not be an inconvenience to others.

All I can say is thank-you for not contributing to the gene pool.

Comment Re:How about we compare apples to apples? (Score 1) 558

My guess is that at the time the options available just did not pass muster in some way. For a long time they were only using dual chips in Atom systems, which wouldn't be good enough for the RT due to increased power usage from dual chips. Stack on top of that there were a large number of power inefficient Northbridges in use and the use of Atom chips gets even more doubtful.

  The first atom SOC the Z2460 and a single-core SOC at that, was only released in Q2 2012 and the first DUAL core Atom chips (Z2760) were released in December a mere two months after the RT went to market in late October. This makes the use of the dual core chip impractical and frankly if they even considered the single core for the RT (which I honestly doubt, given how seriously a failure of this new platform would burn Microsoft) it would be an outright miracle for it to come to market that quickly.

There would have to be an entirely new platform developed, bug tested and ready for release to consumers within a mere 90 days. Hell even if it was 120-140 days with the use of engineering samples it would be an absolute miracle of an effort. ( see this & this for the info i just wrote up. )

Up until the SOC was released, the atom had a large percentage of systems using a comparatively inefficient chip-set (~20w) for a 2-8w tdp processor. Even going to a more efficient Northbridge still leaves them a fair few watts behind the SOC systems.

Comment Re:Fun things to do (Score 1) 114

I remember something similar where my then (now ex) girlfriend was feeling pretty damn frisky while I was in the middle of doing some on-call work on a Saturday afternoon. Well things started happening and unfortunately at that point I had to call one of our data centre guys to eyeball something for me. I kept on the phone and tried to keep a straight face, all while there was some reverse cowgirl happening at my desk. Funny enough I managed to not cut the call short and we both burst out laughing the instant I got off the phone.

Frivolities were paused at that point until I completed my work and then we could continue on uninterrupted.

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