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Comment Re:Two words: legal liability (Score 1) 61

Everybody!!! Isn't the legal system great!?

Yes, the driver, the installer, the manufacturer, the programmer - pretty much anyone who ever touched any part of the project will be named in the suit. It happens in building/architectural lawsuits all the time. The plumbing fails and everyone, including the drywall company, is in the list of defendants. I wouldn't be surprised to see the sidewalk lunch vendor on the list.

Comment Re:Not likely. (Score 1) 365

*shrug* I don't use Metro 95% of the time - I use the desktop on my W8 laptop and it works pretty much like W7, but with some mice shortcuts. The tiles interface is nice when I switch into tablet mode and am watching a movie or surfing or reading. It's not useful for AutoCAD or Photoshop or Word, where a mouse is far more efficient a tool for navigation. Still, it was pitifully easy to learn.

Comment Re:Murder (Score 0) 371

People murder. Governments execute.

I'm fascinated by the distinction that place of birth warrants for someone who is a terrorists, living and operating in a foreign country against the interests of the united states. Especially since they were trying to strip him of those magical papers a year before they finally killed him.

Where is the traditional "Wanted: Dead or Alive" mentality that always rises up in 2nd Amendment supporters when there's a chance to stop a crime that might have only been a robbery of a fast food store or a corner convenience mart? Or is it just that Obama ordered the hit in this sub-human and you don't want to admit that he was right?

Comment Re:See even Microsoft thinks MacBook Airs rule! (Score 1) 365

Wait, Apple's come with a perpetual Office subscription and Adobe's CC application? Damn, that is a good deal. Unless, of course, you mean Apple's free knock-offs of Office and Adobe's photo group, in which case the only advantage is that they're bundled instead of having to download one of the half-dozen free alternatives available for Windows.

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