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Comment I don't see the dificulty (Score 5, Funny) 369

You just go in and arrest him at the embassy. I mean - he's in London, we just go in and take him.

Wait, did you say that the Ecuadorian Embassy is actually sovereign land and to send a police or military force in to arrest and remove him would be an act of war? Well, you don't need to worry about that. We've just proven, by way of 59 cruise missiles, that even sovereign nations who do bad things are no barrier to the will (or should I say whim) of the United States. And they don't even have to go in by hand - I think a targeted drone strike would have a limited number of civilian casualties. And London doesn't have any room to complain, since they were perfectly fine with all the drone strikes in middle eastern countries where there were known criminals and we (usually) limited the civilian casualties.

I don't see how this is going to be difficult - the US just needs to apply traditional tactics used on physical terrorists to the new crop of information terrorists.

Comment Re:The packs made of very inorganic plastic (Score 4, Informative) 146

Oh, but you can recycle the packs! They'll even send you a *Free* mailing label to send them back once you fill a box with discarded bags. Of course, you need to cut the pack open and use your hands to remove the pulp remnants before you do that - literally scoop out the goo with your hands and throw it away.

And you've totally missed that this is a zero-cleanup device - it's perfect for when you don't have time to go through the messy process of cleaning a traditional juicer. (but, apparently, have time to go through the messy process of cutting open and cleaning out the bag)

Personally, I still can't get over the $1/oz pricetag on the juice packs that have a shelf life of a week.

Comment You're kidding, right? (Score 1) 169

A spreadsheet so large and complex that a PC running Windows 8 (or even XP) is a time sink because it slows down during data entry? Really. Hey you fucking little kid - go do that shit by hand like we did before spreadsheets. I'll show you what a time sink is.

The real time sink? Slashdot. Reddit. Facebook. Any of a thousand sites with content that is infinitely more interesting than entering data into a spreadsheet. That's your god damned time sink.

Comment Re:and improved battery life (Score 1) 82

IIRC, the Verge claims that the battery life is just meh, but that the overall power design is supposed to allow it to hold 95(?)% of it's original charge (at full cap) after two years.

I think they're all just lying about everything at this point, because nobody can really test them properly.

Comment Re:Still slower than iphone 7 (Score 1) 82

Isn't the test of loading app after app to see how long it takes them to start a measure of time to compile the Android bytecode vs load the iOS pre-compiled executable into memory? Won't Android pretty much always lose that for any but the smallest or simplest of programs? I'd think even a 12 core Xeon at 4GHz on a Mac would lose to the iPhone in that case.

I'll be honest, I'm trying to come up with a use case for raw speed on a phone outside of gaming and I'm pretty stumped. None of the applications for handsets have the complexity of a CPU/GPU heavy desktop app like AutoCAD or Photoshop or Premiere. There aren't any real CFD or FEM programs which allow for any real-world complexity.

It's good to have fast phones, but I'm at a loss for the value of processor speed.

Comment Re:Talking about rare (Score 2) 79

Yeah, most "rare earth" metals are far from rare, and often not that expensive, as there are deposits all over the world. One of the difficulties is that China had a huge supply and was dumping them on the market to gain global share and drive other mines to close down (reducing competitors and allowing them to raise the price). That is, of course, until they became a manufacturing powerhouse and realized they should be keeping those elements in-country to bolster their total manufacturing chain. Then, of course, the prices really *did* go up due to lower (global) supply. But it had little or nothing to do with the rarity of the metals themselves.

Comment Re:Yay For Modern Engineering (Score 1) 73

As an engineer in the architecture/building industry, there's a shitload of truth in that. The real cost being that any force applied to your engineered part which you *didn't* predict will result in a failure, as opposed to the old-school version of something solid and "inefficient" but which can carry many unanticipated loads without requiring repair.

Comment Re:3d Printing Profitable (Score 2) 73

Continuous or periodic visual inspection is possible during the part builds (i.e. - video evaluation of each layer using high magnification cameras) to evaluate the layer conditions. You're looking for flays in the material, most of which are introduced due to stresses in the machining or fabrications process, whereas for the printed parts you're primarily looking for proper bonding and geometry (out of calibration printer components). Depending on your build schedule, you can non-destructively test every part to 80% of yield and/or destructively test every n'th part to evaluate part integrity off of each printer assembly. Every test adds cost, of course, so I'm sure there is an actuary with a slide rule furiously determining value of dead passengers* vs testing cost somewhere.

*And by "dead passengers" I really just mean PR cost and lost income from a disaster, as the actual dead people don't really cost that much in court.

Comment Re:No cronyist legal restrictions in retailing (Score 1) 467

It won't happen because the market is much different. When you need a kitchen spatula, you put it on a list to buy the next time you're out shopping. If you see one for $30, you'll probably skip it and buy the $1.25 one instead. If your $1.25 kitchen spatula breaks (a) it's no big deal and (b) you just go buy another one.

If you're injured in an accident, or have a heart attack, or break a leg, or your child stops breathing, it's not something you "put on a list" to get taken care of. Likewise, those things you put off until it's convenient - removing a mole or wart, getting a vaccine, or a cancer screening, you still don't want the quickest, cheapest version because, unlike the $1.25 spatula, you could end up with a nasty removal scar, or a cheap vaccine that was produced without FDA review or approval (since the current administration is talking about eliminating many functions of the FDA) and doesn't actually work or contains dangerous ingredients, or a botched screening that causes serious damage (perforated colon) or merely results in grossly inadequate review (breast mass which is overlooked) that ends up allowing a dangerous condition to progress.

Comment Re:Here's a crazy idea (Score 1) 90

Which is funny, because the replacements on the N7 were bad. They still would have had to recall the units in shame, and with the black mark from the CPSC you wouldn't have been able to use them with 3rd party batteries either. Still a brick.

By the way - removable batteries suck. I had them on the LG G3 and G4. You have to shut the phone down to remove them and then cold boot. By the end of the run on my G4, I found it was less weight and more capacity* to carry an external battery with a slim cable and just plug it in to charge. Plus I never had to shut down in the middle of what I was doing or drop a call for a minute to wait for power down/swap/powerup. Just plug and go.

*remember, LiPos can't be safely stored in your pocket or purse without a fire resistant case/pouch, so the advantage of their slim form means nothing if you don't want a fire in your pocket.

Comment Re:Hahahahaha (Score 2) 128

While your math adds up, I still can't get past the logic. Is the movie somehow worse if it's viewed two months later? $2

Worse, no, but it's also not topical. Part of the experience of seeing a movie when it premieres is being part of the buzz surrounding the discussion of the film. Humans are a social animal (realizing this is slashdot, I feel this must be pointed out), and sharing experiences - such as books or entertainment - is part of the enjoyment of the entertainment.

So, no, the movie is no worse, but the overall experience is diminished. For a second weekend showing, I'd be in for $30, maybe even $50, for a blockbuster. For a third to fifth weekend - most of the social shine is off of it so, no. Granted, I have a 125" screen and a nice sound system so I lose very little watching movies at home but it's still fun to go "out" with the family to see something brand new.

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