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Comment Re:will be abused in 3...2...1... (Score 1) 106

Did you even read the fucking summary?

Have you ever been on fucking Twitter? People retweet shit all the time, regardless of what it says. If they retweet something with the product hashtag, and then get something from Amex to confirm there's a good chance they'll retweet that, too, without even reading it.

Mark my words, this won't last because the public is too stupid to use it safely.

Comment will be abused in 3...2...1... (Score 3, Insightful) 106

Is see this as being ripe for abuse. The first time this goes live, someone is going to link a hashtag of something innocuous (like #wintercoat) to something expensive, and lots of people won't realize the mistake until they read their monthly bill and see a charge for $2000 on it. I can't imagine the system will last more than a day once people start complaining.

Comment Re:Science time. (Score 1) 270

> Some of us want our kids to grow up in a world where only healthy behaviors exist.

What's unhealthy about homosexuality or BDSM? And why do you get to define what "healthy" and "unhealthy" are when it comes to sexual expression? Maybe I think your prudishness is more a threat to my children's well being than seeing a man have sex with another man, should I be able to censor your views?

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