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Comment Re:Faith in God (Score 1) 299

You're the one pulling the straw man here.

The question was about the apparent paradox of the two cases mentioned.

For some reason, fear of the radiation boogeyman is greater than their confidence in their interpretation of their faith.

Before I'm accused of calling every religious person an ignorant, allow me to add that religion is only one of many possible sources of ignorance (probably none of them guarantee ignorance either) - however, it is a very visible correlation.

Comment EA Boycott (Score 1) 208

Join the EA boycott!

What about the good games, you ask?

Look at all the money you would have saved by not buying these pieces of shit:

Battlefield 3 - "You'll have to buy this, or else nobody will be around to play with you" DLC
The new Sim City
The new Sim City - "Expansion pack that adds nothing players wanted and a ton of stuff nobody cares about" Expansion pack
The Sims 3 - "You already bought this expansion twice before" Expansion Pack
Battlefield 4(ever ridden with bugs)

And in the future:

Battlefield 4 DLC - "We promised we'd fix the game first, and with luck, it's now possible to play a whole match without game-breaking bugs, so it's technically fixed"
The new Battlefield which shares nothing with Battlefield other than the name
The Sims 4 - Bend over and buy the expansions you already bough three times before once more!

Comment Re:Not sure what the "secrecy" fuss is (Score 1) 222

Depends on how final the final draft is.

Ideally, you open up the proceedings once the fundamentals are in place and everyone's basic demands have been met. From there, it's much easier to filter out the noise and actually improve the treaty.

In practice, if it's felt that the current version won't hold up, it probably won't be the final "take-it-or-leave-it" version.

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If the aborigine drafted an IQ test, all of Western civilization would presumably flunk it. -- Stanley Garn
