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Comment Re:Unbelievable. (Score 2) 180

TI-83 is a scam run on Schools, Students and Teachers. There are books written on how to do math on THIS calculator. They don't teach math, they teach math on this Calculator.


Here in France a huge effort was made to break the TI monopoly, and now we are allowed to use one crappy, expensive Casio as an alternative to the crappy, expensive TI.

Meanwhile all kids have a phone with more compute power than a Cray-1.

Comment Re:Did Diamond Lil fart in the nunnery? (Score 1) 179

Climate records from the unredacted data show an entirely different picture. We're on the rising edge of a cycle of temperature swings. The rising side of a long, 800 year cycle on top of a shorter and shallower 220-year cycle

Mathturbation. Where's your physical model.

Someone clearly forgot about the little hiccup called the Industrial Revolution


nd that annoying white blob called the Sun which itself exhibits wild temperature variations of upwards of +/-1500C at the photosphere?

Please demonstrate a correlation between any solar parameter and the current temperature trends. Remember -- no causation without correlation.

Comment Re:Hahah (Score 1) 246

Splendid, and you will pay the absurd amounts of money necessary to keep him shuttling between the courts, prison and probation for the rest of his life.

American justice -- the second biggest demonstration of the broken window fallacy since Operation Iraqi Freedom.

So what are the alternatives? Shoot him? Or set him free with a book of matches and some printer paper?

Slight failure of imagination on your part there.

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