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Comment Re:Could be a different route involved for the VPN (Score 1) 398

the point is netflix is trying to increase costs on their business partners who will then have to increase prices of their customers. customers will hate the ISP but like netflix.

No. The traffic goes like this:

Business/Service Their ISP Your ISP You

It doesn't matter who the business is. The issue is the interconnect between their ISP and your ISP.

Your ISP shouldn't be able to blackmail a Business into paying them, like Comcast did. In that case, Comcast blackmailed NetFlix into peering with them. This turns the above diagram into:

NetFlix Netflix's ISP/Your ISP You

Comment Re:Donate (Score 2) 101

The OpenBSD group does a number of things. LibreSSL is one of them. They ask for donations to the general fund. If you like, you donate. If you don't, don't donate. OpenBSD runs a lean organization. Everything they do is open sourced and standards driven. And they make it _portable_ correctly.

If you have an axe to grind against them for forking a piece of shit code, take it and shove it.

Submission + - LibreSSL released! (

the_B0fh writes: LibreSSL Portable has been released for Linux, Solaris, Mac OS X and FreeBSD. This is a drop-in replacement for OpenSSL, and is written by the team that wrote OpenBSD and OpenSSH which the entire Internet uses. I hope to see LibreSSL take over from OpenSSH.

Donations are appreciated: http://www.openbsdfoundation.o...

Downloads at:

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