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Comment Re:supplying fibre to every home (Score 0) 229

At the end of the day people don't want to be tethered to the end of a cable when viable wireless alternatives are soon to available. Australia's largest phone/internet provider Telstra is testing LTE-A Technology which Hits 300Mbps Wireless Speeds. It should be easer (supplied years sooner and much cheaper) to blanket OZ with LTE-A than spending $7,000 per household to supply fibre.

Comment supplying fibre to every home (Score 0) 229

was Labor's (the previous socialist government) voting carrot. With most Australians living in sprawling suburbia it was impossibly expensive. The current (conservative) government was forced to offer a modest substitute to compete for votes. Hopefully they will totally renege on this and then let private enterprise get on with supplying us affordable and innovative access to the internet.

Submission + - Spy expert says Australia operating as 'listening post' for US agencies (

ozduo writes: Intelligence expert Professor Des Ball says the Australian Signals Directorate — formerly known as the Defence Signals Directorate — is sharing information with the National Security Agency (NSA).

The NSA is the agency at the heart of whistleblower Edward Snowden's leaks, and has recently been accused of tapping into millions of phone calls of ordinary citizens in France, Germany and Spain.

Mr Ball says Australia has been monitoring the Asia Pacific region for the US using local listening posts.

"You can't get into the information circuits and play information warfare successfully unless you're into the communications of the higher commands in [the] various countries in our neighbourhood," he told Lateline.

Mr Ball says Australia has four key facilities that are part of the XKeyscore program, the NSA's controversial computer system that searches and analyses vast amounts of internet data.

They include the jointly-run Pine Gap base near Alice Springs, a satellite station outside Geraldton in Western Australia, a facility at Shoal Bay, near Darwin, and a new centre in Canberra.

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