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Comment Re:Now, if companies made products like they shoul (Score 2, Insightful) 117

And companies won't make products like that unless they're willing to abandon their business strategy and relinquish control. A company makes products for the company's sake. Its the same thing that governs the product's features (implemented, locked in and otherwise). If a company was willing to create a product for the product's sake, they would have no control of it because it would be so many different things to so many different users. How many companies do you know that are willing to take that risk? That's open source's niche and that's what makes it so amazing. Its a meritocracy.

Comment Re:Well... (Score 1) 186

Don't know about you, but I'd rather spend less on a CPU and more on a GPU that can use OpenCL about now. NVIDIA's Ion platform has proven that you do not need a strong CPU : To watch 1080p video - an Atom 270 will suffice. So forget the i7. I'd rather that AMD came out with some good GPGPU parts. Then I'd gladly buy their slower processors and a couple of their slightly slower gfx cards because I know I'd be getting WAY more performance to the dollar than if I bought an i7.

Comment Re:Why create a conscious AI? (Score 1) 291

Speaking of DnD playing, AI characters with a consciousness in an always on MMORPG would add a huge level of depth to the game. Heck, within an MMORPG, you could experiment with all types of consciousness - from completely good to completely evil. It would be fascinating to watch them develop. Imagine say, going on one of the highest level WoW quests with a conscious AI that was completely good against another AI - the arch nemesis. Wouldn't it be an amazing quest if the character's personality actually made an impression on you one way or the other?

Mozilla Jetpack, an API For Standards-Based Add-Ons 42

revealingheart writes "Mozilla Labs have released a prototype extension called Jetpack: An API for allowing you to write Firefox add-ons using existing web technologies to enhance the browser (e.g. HTML, CSS and Javascript), with the goal of allowing anyone who can build a Web site to participate in making the Web a better place to work, communicate and play. Example add-ons are included on the Jetpack website. While currently only a prototype, this could lead to a simpler and easier to develop add-on system, which all browsers could potentially implement."
Operating Systems

Ubuntu 9.04 For the Windows Power User 727

crazipper writes "Know a Windows power user who is (honestly) good with technology, but hasn't yet warmed to Linux? Tom's Hardware just posted a guide to installing and using Ubuntu 9.04, written specifically for the MS crowd (in other words, it talks about file systems, mount points, app installation, etc). Hopefully, by the end, your 'friend' will realize just how easy Ubuntu can be to use and start down a long path of exploration with a new operating system."

World's First Battery Fueled By Air 205

Hugh Pickens writes "The Telegraph reports on the revolutionary 'STAIR' (St Andrews Air) battery could now pave the way for a new generation of electric cars, laptops and mobile phones. The cells are charged in a traditional way but as power is used an open mesh section of battery draws in oxygen from the surrounding air that reacts with a porous carbon component inside the battery, which creates more energy and helps to continually 'charge' the cell as it is being discharged. The battery has a greater storage capacity than other similar-sized cells and can emit power up to 10 times longer. 'The key is to use oxygen in the air as a re-agent, rather than carry the necessary chemicals around inside the battery,' says Professor Peter Bruce of the Chemistry Department at the University of St Andrews. 'Our target is to get a five to ten fold increase in storage capacity, which is beyond the horizon of current lithium batteries.'"

Comment Re:Why no certification program? (Score 1) 312

+1 to this. The Office Acid Test. It doesn't exist yet. People are already used to the idea of it in the browser space and may hev already heard of it from their nerdy friends telling them why Internet Explorer sucks so much. Its a simple way to enforce and be transparent about compatibility. Nobody should be able to "work around" the standard. It would be a HUGE plus if there was a way for the ACID test to also check for "embrace and extends"

Comment Re:Only do your masters on a topic you will use (Score 1) 834

Do your Masters. Choose a field you want to study. Bonus points if its something you can use immediately. Knowledge is a good thing. Some of the best discoveries in science have been made using knowledge from another discipline. Do not underestimate yourself or the knowledge you might gather. Just apply yourself so you are able to fully absorb and apply what they teach you - doing a Masters for the sake of passing exams is truly a waste.

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