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Comment Re:I do this (Score 1) 365

Wrong again asshole. Texting requires the same synthesis and logic centers used for a technical task like driving. Frequently, texting also requires your visual attention, which unlike hand movement, having two copies of the organ does not enable asynchronous use. You understand that the unchanging road conditions you see ahead as you look at the gauge cluster for speed is mostly a false image synthesized by your mind to fill out your peripheral vision until you can perform a refresh of details (or the peripheral changes enough to cause a reflex).

Masturbation is all mostly muscle memory and pleasure feedback loops from nervous systems specifically separated. The grenade launcher is just a Freudian construct of your impotent mind.

Comment Re:Big deal. (Score 4, Informative) 114

Really a good sized hit to small to middle sized businesses.. you know the mom & pop shops, indie food trucks (the minority) and such that manage to support 2-5 people with corporate incomes of 250k-2m per year.

A small company with CC swipes of $120k / year with an assumption CCs only being half their income, and the rest cash or invoices (checks), barely supports 1 person if the net margins are very high, in the 20-40% range and tax sheltering is very good.

Glad to see how well educated the techie community is on basic finance and business concepts.

Of course, we know that with the standard margin in CC processing being 3% for many years, it was very expected by any reasonable person that Square would ditch flat rates once they had little enough competition and a large enough base.

Comment Re:A breath of sanity... (Score 1) 98

I am personally fine with inmates being "disconnected" from current technology. There will always be books and other media from which one can learn. You don't need to know about tablets and smart phones to get out and get a decent job, skills in IT/CS are inherently transferable and most of the bleeding edge stuff is vastly inferior to the stuff with a few generations (tech generations, not human) of maturity.

Also, I frankly think there is nothing wrong with ex-cons having to work their way up from the bottom when they reintegrate into society. I think a lot of social ills specifically stem from so many not ever having to wash dishes, bus tables, serve others, dig ditches, etc. Manual labor is very good for teaching work ethic and social skills. You can't learn how to socialize in an office, if anything too many office jobs promote new strange forms of anti-social behavior.

I do agree that all software should be sold in non-internet connected versions at the same price, availability, and functional level. On the other hand, why are you whining about Photoshop. Plenty of FOSS and offline commercial packages will teach you the same skills. For someone who has spent a good amount of time behind bars, you're awfully entitled (I wonder how much that attitude figured into your original incarceration).

Comment Ignorant and Stupid (Score 1, Flamebait) 206

Hasn't the trend with government agencies *especially* the NSA been to more closely track those who act like they have something to hide. Frankly, such a disposition on the part of the NSA is reasonable and shows to me the taxpayer that they are at least trying to do their job, even if the methods aren't reasonable for the average or the peoples of interest.

Comment Re:And nothing of value was lost... (Score 1) 330

SIP is a bigger cock up than Skype. Good luck.

Never understand the need to blow wads of personal time (==money) on setting up and configuring monstrous kludges just get around a piece of software that a) just works, b) handles all the necessary functionality, and c) has no justifiable drawbacks for the usage scenario. And no, just because the NSA has a timestamp and contact name for every Skype call you make, it does not break (c) unless you are doing something wrong. It's just some scrap of metadata in a database that is about to get archived and never touched again soon enough.

Comment Scalability (Score 1) 82

Whether the goal is criminal mischief or good old-fashioned corporate espionage, I think we can agree that malware is a lot more scalable than a call center. Of course, there was the beautiful fusion of techniques from various groups based in south-east asia using Ammyy Admin and similar to effect a social insertion of rapidly propagating malware behind the firewalls. Really, all electronic malice should use a variety of best practices.

Comment Re:Applies to all events? (Score 2) 194

News in general should be about the condition and potential effects of a given event on society. You're blathering on about emotions, feelings, and the individual; the worship of selfishness. It is still a form of selfishness to identify with another selfish soul devoid of facts and full context -- it is the confirmation to one's own selfishness to indulge and support selfishness in others.

Academia often states that Wikipedia for example is a poor source, not because by definition it is a tertiary / secondary source, but because the signal to noise ratio is poor and they fear students lack the ability to differentiate (the SNR of Wikipedia is generally good overall). The SNR for news on Facebook is easily orders of magnitude worse. Even Jersey Shore and similar reality TV trash are more useful to society. Too much of the news which propagates on Facebook is tabloid confessionals and one-sided falsehoods, much of it fiction made up from vague opinionated interpretations of actual events. Those who engage in it's spread should be burned as heretics to the betterment of society, knowledge, and wisdom. It's sickening and disgusting.

The society of, "how I feel is paramount" is harmful to everyone. I am a person of religious conviction, but I would condemn the proselytizer as a sinner just as an emotional human I condemn the person for whom the societal discussion is steered by emotion, opinion, and falsehood instead of core truth.

Comment Re:Can someone please explain ... (Score 1) 658

What is the portion of cars with significant issues that would have been remedied at a safety inspection versus portion of said flaws being part of an accident? That is the number that counts. I like that we have a safety and emissions inspection in Texas, even if at times meeting emissions requirements have been financially difficult personally. I have talked with people who miss Texas inspections just because they feel less safe driving through areas adjoining the trailer park where some have decided that plywood and trash bags are a good replacement for a door.

In regards of signal and other lights, let's not forget the number of near misses as everyone swerves around the asshole with no headlights on at midnight. My only approval for automatic headlights is the unwashed masses who can't remember to turn their lights on at night or in bad weather.

Comment Obvious... (Score 1) 361

I really hope that people can see that some of these services were never financially stable much less solvent and that these companies are taking the NSA excuse to make a quick exit with their investor's remaining cash. Plus they get to say all that and move overseas and start the cycle of schyster business schemes with the added, "well now we have found a way to avoid the NSA..." line sold to investors.

Seriously, they want us to believe that following all of the information dumps from Snowden et. al. that it is getting *harder* for these companies to negotiate with the NSA and *harder* to sell their services. Bullshit.

Comment Re:Maths (Score 1) 473

If you can't deal with a boss who comes in screaming, "The sky is falling," the fault lies entirely on you. First, this is part of the common lack of social skills and big picture prioritization that plagues most programmers. Handling the boss is something everyone has to do, and the rest of us that work hard, have to deal with a dumb scrap of a boss, and still get our work done competently are tired of hearing that whine. Second, if you can't manage your reactions to your boss to produce good work, you need to find an easier place to work.

Everybody has an occaisional entire day/week/month destroyed by the dumb whims of sales, the boss, or that one retarded customer. Guess what, their product still ships and works.

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