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Comment Re:Copyright infringement is not theft (Score 1) 257

By the logic of the MAFIAA, painting your neighbor's bike blue does indeed deprive someone of a sale. People selling blue bikes. They also stole intellectual property from you being the first person to ever think of that and having nothing to do with greed. So they stand to be targeted by two parties. Unfortunately, there is no BIAA. I'm not sure who will protect the interests of the Bicycle industry, but perhaps they'll get by selling physical property and not punishing their customers with DRM.

Someone really should do something about kids selling their bicycles when they're old enough to drive a car though. (There, I used cars in the analogy!)

Comment Two party system (Score 1) 716

We have the party of "I know this won't get passed but it'll get me votes" and the party of "I know this should get passed but saying no will get me votes".

Not saying it's always both, or that there's anything wrong with the principle of trying to pass it anyway or trying to say no anyway. But it shouldn't be so damn common...

Comment Not that I'm against them... (Score 1) 648

...I'm actually quite excited for them. But

'Your automated car isn't sitting around getting distracted, making a phone call, looking at something it shouldn't be looking at or simply not keeping track of things,'

Let's see if they still make that argument when my car has Siri and Facebook installed. Could give a whole new meaning to crashing. "You really should have went with the dual processor, higher RAM model..."

Not that I think this is a likely scenario either, just having some fun.

Submission + - College football should be banned, says "Friday Night Lights" author (wsj.com)

An anonymous reader writes: Just as football reacts to the shocking suicide of Junior Seau while facing mounting evidence of the risk of brain damage to participants, along comes a renewed assault on the financial extravagance of college football. Buzz Bissinger writes that college football should be banned, citing NCAA statistics that 43 percent of the 120 schools in the Football Bowl Subdivision (i.e. those competing for the National Championship) lost money on football. Bissinger argues that football is irrelevant to what should be the primary mission of universities (academics), consuming scarce resources while contributing more than its share of scandals. While not exactly a new sentiment, the speaker may attract notice: Bissinger's "Friday Night Lights", a documentary based on a year with a high school football team in rural Texas, has been a big success as a book, Hollywood film, and TV series.

Comment How to measure sharp breaking? (Score 1) 605

Because I drive on a 35 MPH road every other day that has high speed bumps. Five, unnecessary but still existing, speed bumps. Keep in mind this road is residential but the bumps are about 30 seconds apart, so there is plenty of time to get back up to speed. Am I going to have it counted against me for obeying the speed limit but not wanting to kill my shocks?

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