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Comment Re:It's that damn cancer! (Score 1) 303

Do you really think they'd even be able to find the source buried inside all those colorful comments? Or maybe M$ would spend 5 years cleaning it up.. Also, er.. which windows ? The operating system? Or the graphical user interface? Moot point, really.IMHO, It WAS an April fool's.. just a late one. Precisely *what* percentage of Microsoft's revenue comes from Windows? 50%? 75% 95% Even if it was 10% i doubt that shareholders would stand for it, not even as an April fools joke....

Comment ...and close my ears. (Score 1) 136

Because it seems /. has full audio ads now, the ones that run irrespective of input. I was looking all around to see if I had opened up some seedy rag like before its news, which does that all the time.. but nope. It was /.

Comment What's happened to the music? (Score 1) 397

According to the submission.."As Steve Jobs once explained "it's in Apple's DNA that technology alone is not enough — that it's technology married with liberal arts, married with the humanities, that yields us the result that makes our hearts sing."" Well, No more. Apple's heart is tone deaf. IMFO..

Comment Easy?f (Score 1) 267

All these "simple" methods seem so complex and difficult to remember that no wonder people give up and go for the easy ones.. But, hey, there's a whole (virtual) room of geeks here.. can't SOME one think of a genuinely easy method? I for one, think we should be looking at tyhe genuine failings of technology and use that to advantage.. We ,may finally have taught Big Blue to play a good game of chess, but it still can't tell a joke like O.scar Wilde or wit like Mark Twain. So it stands to reason , and it most certainly cannot lie down to reason, that a joke would make a perfect PW, as long as it's never been heard before. ...

Comment Re:in further news show tanks (Score 1) 662

Despite it all, whether his firing is justified or not, although it obviously is, it's true that he was the ONLY reason I watched Top Gear BBC..Obviously he had enough editorial clout to apply his brand of hunor, thereby making the show effective in ways that the US anbd Australian ones were not. A perfect example is, and to this day I STILL can't get it out of my mind, his driving the "world's smallest car" into the BBC building, and through the hallways, into the elevator, and into the studio! Also, the point made earlier here about BBC not accepting advertising allowed Clarkson to indulge in his particular brand of savage wit on any otherwise "untouchable" make or model.. which is still impossible elsewhere as even the American public Broadcasting System is occasionally funded by foundations associated with the auto industry.. So with him gone, you have just another car show. Luckily, all the episodes are available for free download. By the BBC, itself, on Youtube. So why they got choked about that "Final Gear" hosting torrents of those very self same episodes .. .. beats me..

Comment Re: Command (Score 1) 100

Great tips. I have the same problem. Typing on keyboard is hell.Prople think I have bad ghrammar and spelling because I cant type easily but I have to correct every other letter. It takes forever. This sentence took me 3 minutes. I do a lot of photoshop and what I have found is use as big a monitor as possible and zoom in to 400 to 600 %

Comment Re: RTFA (Score 1) 282

Brilliant, they really duped my by removing the ever recognizable Lisa Kudrow, and posting it on youtube claiming it was from a robbery in south boston and the police were hoping someone could ID the suspects..... well done on their part.

Typical brain dead you tuber post.. I'd estimate half of YT posts are ripoffs from official videos, just like this. in fact, it is THIS that copyright laws exist to prevent.. this is real theft.. posting something and claiming it as your own. Yet they don't go after these people, except in the occasional , but all too common, case of plagiarism in university theses...but instead focus solely on music or film downloaders.,

Comment Re:Crosshatch? (Score 1) 61

She likely had a Lisa to work with for development, the icons in that UI were abysmal and it's hard to tote around a $10K / 40lb desktop machine when the muse visits. Many artists to this day still work with paper. Shocking, I know.

Thought she used paper and pencil for development. Never got NEAR a computer until she was ready to scan them in..

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IF I HAD A MINE SHAFT, I don't think I would just abandon it. There's got to be a better way. -- Jack Handley, The New Mexican, 1988.
