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Comment Re:Which was always obvious. (Score 1) 144

The answer is the same as to the question "why don't they shove a brace of firecrackers up their butt, light them, and put it on YouTube for our amusement?", which is: "and why should they?" They have built upon an open standard to develop their own propietary format, which they are forcing no one to adopt. This is entirely legitimate, and the market will decide whether it's also good business.

Comment Stupid bastards (Score 1) 232

This is the kind of arrant bullshit that just begs to be disrupted to death. Smartphones were shit and the companies that were complacent with that state got murdered by Apple. Digital music distribution was shit - same thing. Authentication is in an absolutely dire state, and ripe to be disrupted in the same way, as soon as a company with a bit of vision and a pair of balls takes charge. Apple, Google? Fuck knows, but it's going to happen, count on it. "Shitty" is not a stable, long term state in technology - even Windows has been shamed into becoming halfway-useable.

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