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Comment Re:The real reason (Score 1) 580

There are international laws about rocket launches and insurance. In particular there are no liability limits. And the state that does the launch assumes full responsability.
Insurance companies are partially covered by state insurance but if serious shit happens (foreign city obliterated by out of control rocket) they will go bankrupt and the launching organization will go bankrupt and most likely in jail and the launching state could still go bankrupt or in a war.
Facing these risks imagine how many insurance companies can do that and how high are the fees, especially for new unproven launchers.

Comment Nothing new (Score 1) 156

We are very good at spending money and producing useless scientific papers.
My experience while working at a state owned research institute:
- Phase X of project needs buying some equipment
- Only 30-60% money available
- Write useless study to justify spending the money
- Move acquisition to next phase
- Repeat until project gets buried

Comment Re:Get the latest smartphones (Score 1) 79

No, in GSM SMS messages are part of the voice network. [...]

Besides the voice network's control channel the short messages can also be transported on the data network which has a much higher capacity even for 2G.
All those phones that normally stay connected to the Internet (pretty much all smartphones and feature phones) can send and receive SMS with little latency and with less congestion.
For the operators short messages are still a cash cow and will remain so even if they reduce prices 10 times.

Comment Re:The second link is the important one (Score 5, Interesting) 73

Pretty much none of the major providers issue ancient SIMs with DES OTA signing. For the old cards never replaced they may just deactivate them in HLR and wait for subscribers to complain to support.
On the other hand cheap Chinese SIMs are still issued in some countries. The only relief is that some of them don't support OTA at all...

Comment Re:fairly sure this uses sms (Score 1) 199

The system uses Cell Broadcast, not SMS.
CB works pretty much like teletext or CC on TV so in a few seconds all phones in an area can be alerted without any extra network usage.
On the other hand SMS uses paging, channel acquisition and a temporary connection. A flood of short messages can bloxk the network just like it happens on New Year.

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