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Comment this is a more interesting quote (Score 1) 60

The other thing that was a real surprise to me was how important the power management was, not just for battery life, but for performance. Because if you go ahead and fire up all four cores at the top clock rate and draw a bunch of stuff, you overheat within minutes. If you really load everything onto the system that can draw power, you will probably thermally throttle down in under a minute. So you literally just can’t use all the capabilities of the system at the same time.

Comment Re:If you care about data security, don't use Appl (Score 1) 336

there have been many pearl harbor level events, apple being nowhere near the worst offender. in fact one can easily argue that apple has done pretty well with respect to protecting user's privacy. and we don't strictly speaking know that this particular breach was caused by apple.

Comment Re:Why? (Score 1) 136

presence of ads does no more to user's control of the device than tv ads do with regard to control of the television set.

what you're talking about is circumventing app owners' revenue source.

whether you choose to think of that as shoplifting or "fighting the power" is your personal choice but at least don't confuse it with control.

don't like ads? vote with your feet, buy ad-free apps. that _is_ control, btw.

Comment Re:10.10 per hour (Score 1) 778

would you then agree that its important to help folks both with fish _and_ fish poles?

Yes. That is in fact precisely how I feel about it. Teaching 'em how to use the pole is right in there as well.

terrific. we agree.

It's awful how entitlement programs are designed to self-perpetuate by cutting off recipients when they just begin to get their shit together.

i think you have causality exactly backwards here. i doubt we'll agree on this point though, so lets move on.

do you think too much fish can be a factor in demotivating people from learning to use the fish pole?

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