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Comment Re:So he was done on a technicality? (Score 1) 321

I love rabid right wingers who have no concept of why the founders thought that it so damn important we have certain liberties, than telling anyone who disagrees with their calls for a flag-waving autocratic theocracy, " If you had lived at time X_____, me or someone like me would of killed you and that would of been justice. "

A) For someone who cherry picks quotes from Tocqueville, I can tell you have never read him, have you even read a synopsis of Democracy in America? One of his great warnings to the US was over denying minorities the right to freedom of speech, in fact if you pickup the cliff notes. He may of gone on to restrict the press in France but only insofar as to prevent armed revolution/insurrection. The US has sedition laws and inciting a riot laws for this purpose now.

B) Learn to critically think and debate you intellectual midget.

"You have no inherent right to abuse someone else so stop with your logical fallacies. Your asshole is showing." -- You are an outrageous and deluded hypocrite and I hope cancer consumes your soul.

Comment Size Matters. (Score 1) 84

News for Nerds, Size does Matter!

Seriously, as someone who has kept relatively healthy over the years it astonishes me how some people let themselves go. I'm not talking about the guy who weighs 200-300 lbs that can still walk up stairs without collapse but people in their 20's and 30's on obesity scooters and toilets for people who weigh up to 2000 lbs.

Comment Re:Oh, snap! (Score 1) 486

State Farm's niceness is highly dependent on who runs the local office, when my local State Farm franchise's owner died I didn't think anything would change, but the new owner -- his son -- was a pee drinking Glenn Beck devotee who made going to the office an experience in dealing with his mental health issues, he would actually make small talk about him battling 'porn addiction' and alcohol since his father passed. We switched to Geico.

Comment Re:Headline Is So Very Wrong (Score 1) 1193

Because counties/states that have lower taxes typically have vice taxes and sales taxes to make up the loss, which disproportionately target poor people. With a flat sales tax, the poor spend more of their money just trying to put food on the table than the rich do and they also are far more likely to smoke, drink and gamble -- all things heavily taxed to make up for less tax revenue from income/property taxes.

Comment Re:For example (Score 1) 261

Yeah, reality is complex and the situation with our health is never really black and white.

Fats are fine if you want to sit around all day but as someone who bikes 120 miles a week and rock climbs/golfs/hikes on the weekends I eat 300-400 grams of carbs a day, at least --mostly in vegetable and whole grain form. 6% body fat and a 50 resting heart rate with normal BP and Cholesterol. If you can burn the carbs and spend 3-4 hours a day exercising than do it.

Comment Re:Missing (Score 3, Interesting) 184

I'm part of two bands in my spare time, who are in all honesty rather mediocre for our area and genre but still manage to pull in collectively a little over 1000 a month in sales online. Even with just a few fans nowadays you can usually make beer and pizza money if you don't sound like complete ass.

Comment Stop blaming lack of public transit (Score 1) 363

My best friend whines that is why he has not kept up with our little book club we started when we were undergrads. " If you drove an hour each way, you would not want to come home and read either - blah blah blah, blah." His wife is in grad school, takes care of their 2 year old and works weekends at the co-op and she keeps up. He works 8 hours a day and whines.

45 minutes is easy to time to find, if you make a ritual out of it when you get home or when you first wake up. Stop reading news in the morning and read a book that won't try to enchant you with LiLo's or the Dow's up and downs.

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