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Comment Re:Easily avoidable (Score 1) 512

"go programming", "go language", "go development", "go software", "go debugging", etc would likely return the relevant results once enough Go information accumulates online. Your queries will typically contain words that are specific to programming. Just like searching for "Python string methods" doesn't give you much about snakes.

Just don't create a line of guitars and name it "Blues". Oops, already done (Japanese luthier)! Now that was boneheaded, I'd say. Good luck finding info on them online (and they do have an online presence).

Comment Re:Santa Cruz, California (Score 1) 358

While there are some wacky Congresscritters temporarily residing in DC, and there is the occasional muttering homeless person who could probably use anti-psychotics, DC is pretty straight-laced and not loony or California crazy. Though we did have that guy suing for millions to replace a pair of trousers.

Comment Re:From My Simpleton Point of View (Score 1) 535

I agreed with his tips and have seen their usefulness in action, and the detriment of not following them.

Bragging doesn't mean bullshitting. I worked on a team where one member was very extroverted, whereas I'm an introvert. I do my work and deliver it, but don't say much about it along the way. He was the opposite - every little feature he implemented he would point out to a passing manager or CTO (it was a very small company) and declare "hey, look at this! Isn't this cool?" He gave the impression of being enthusiastic, not pompous or a loudmouth jerk.

And when the layoffs came, the ax fell on me and not on him.

I've seen similar in jobs since. It helps to get noticed, and merely performing well and cranking out great work isn't always sufficient. Self-promotion and being your own advocate can make a difference. It doesn't mean becoming an insufferable blowhard, but it does mean not being content to fade into obscurity. Not doing it doesn't necessarily mean you'll get fired, but it could make the difference between getting on good projects versus being left behind to wither.


Comment Re:Lol (Score 1) 451

According to the material, the correct response is to say "that's stealing" when an employee says "come here to my cubicle and see this cool site that lets me download music for free."

It does not advise shouting. That's dramatic editorializing on the submitter's part.

The explained risks are pertinent and correct. The material does not take into account legal free music, but the main point is to protect the networks from threats due to using P2P software, plus legal liability for copyright or IP violation. In the same way that an entire company can be at financial risk if an employee is surfing porn (hostile workplace lawsuit), an organization could be placed at risk if they are lenient about their employees downloading copyrighted material.

What you choose to do on your own time is up to you. But organizations and workplaces have bigger responsibilities to think about.

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