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Comment Re:VW and Audi (Score 1) 911

I don't think that's true, at least not of *all* VWs and Audis. Any of their TDI-powered vehicles can experience a runaway when the turbo sucks the engine oil that cools it into the intake. The only remedy for this is to put it in 5th, stand on the brake and dump the clutch. If you're *really* lucky and *really* quick about it (i.e., catch it before redline) you can prevent top end damage, although the turbo replacement will still be expensive. If you're unlucky, or slow, or drive a slushbox-equipped TDI (booo automatics!), you will buy a new turbo and a new head, or a new car.

Comment Yeah, good luck with that. (Score 1, Flamebait) 303

Dude was drama-queening on the interwebs, some assholes got their kicks poking the quivering blob of uselessness and then he killed himself. This is no different than assholes in a crowd on the street shouting "jump" at a person on a ledge. There is zero rational argument that the assholes had anything at all to do with the death. But good luck in yer quest for deep pockets, sister of dead guy. You'll come out with squat, plus lawyers' fees.

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