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Comment Re:Open records isn't the issue here (Score -1, Flamebait) 461

The issue is why in the bloody hell is the government licensing dancers? There is no reason to do that other than they want to collect some extra fees from people. There is no professional service being offered that a license would effect. The purpose of licensing professionals is to ensure that the person meets some basic requirements. Unless they are going to try and require a minimum cup size or dancing ability, there isn't anything to license here.

So you'd be happy if the strip clubs were filled with sexy, nubile but underage girls?

Comment Re:You should not be so pissed about history (Score 1) 142

Perhaps there is a glimmer of hope for the Australian squatters after all.

Hey I am not going to deny any of the past genocide or current treatment now and I am ashamed of that aspect of Oz. On the other hand I still feel pride in where I was borne.

The sad thing is that even given such eulogies we still have people like Andrew Bolt.

Comment Re:Other prisons are the same (Score 4, Funny) 142

I'm going to call you out as a fake Aussie. "Pissed" means drunk here (we say "pissed off"), and we never call the British "Brits".

Struth mate[1]. Don't come the raw prawn with me. Pissed can have multiple meanings, and you sound more like a whining pom than any brit.

And yeah .. I did bring the aerogard last weekend

[1] And if you don't know how to parse that, then I hope your chooks turn into emus and kick your dunny down.

Comment Re:Other prisons are the same (Score 1) 142

but Virginia came first. Those guys got up to all kinds of mischief.

Have you seen Virginia lately??????

Anyway, the level of conservatism in the US is much higher than a lot of places in the world. Just take the reaction to Janet Jackson's nipple and nudity in general (think of the children!)

Comment Re:And to allow the NSA/Austrailian gov access to (Score 1) 142

It would allow the Australian NSA access without violating those pesky laws they're supposed to follow...

What pesky laws are those? I'm pretty certain that governments already have the rights to inspect any goods that pass over their borders and to know the details of who is transporting them, where they came from and to whom they are going.

Comment Re:Other prisons are the same (Score 5, Interesting) 142

You have to deliver the package to the prison office for inspection before prisoners can receive the delivery.

I'll have you know that in Oz, having criminals in your family history who were deported to Australia is actually a bit of a status symbol. Especially if you can trace them back to the First Fleet. I'm a bit pissed, as I can't do that as all my ancestors were free settlers.

And the reason that the Brits started dumping convicts in Australia was partly because of some war or something that they had with a former colony that stopped them from sending the prisoners there.

And in the words of some comic (who I can't remember)

I'd rather live in a country founded by convicts, than one founded by Puritans

Comment Paper Maps (Score 2) 236

GPS is great for telling you HOW to to another location. What it can't do is tell you WHY you want to go to that other location. On the other hand you can look at a paper map and go "That looks like a spot I WANT to go to".

Comment Re:Who pays for TSB investigation (Score 4, Insightful) 165

While I am all for commercial space programs, I am a bit confused why NTSB is involved at this point.

From the NTSB website:

The National Transportation Safety Board is an independent Federal agency charged by Congress with investigating every civil aviation accident the United States and significant accidents in other modes of transportation – railroad, highway, marine and pipeline.

So if you have a beef with that mandate then fortuitously today is a day in the US where you can act on your beliefs.

You did/will vote today?

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