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Comment Polls on the Front page are stupid (Score 5, Insightful) 150

Polls and stories are two different beasts.

Polls accumulate data over a period of days, whereas articles on the FP are generally collect comments over a period of hours - then are done.

Thus putting polls on the FP means that you have totally changed the time that they collect data, and tries to shoehorn a poll into something it isn't.

Comment Re:Let me put my skepticism hat on... (Score 1) 169

A "tool" to understand costs of nuclear energy production from the "The Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists". Could this tool be any more biased?

What you think it would be better that someone who has no understanding of the problem wrote the tool instead.

That's such a classic false dichotomy, that even I can spot it without thinking too hard.

Comment Re:Enough is enough (Score 1) 384

So why the fuck should he bother?

Because regardless of how good his reasons are, what is more important is how his apology is perceived. There is a huge difference between saying "Yeah, I'm sorry", and saying "Yes, we fucked up in how we treated this story. Sorry, we'll try and do better next time".

Comment Re:Not ignoring the story is a good start! (Score -1, Troll) 384

You need to acknowledge that the delay in publication was a fuckup PUBLICLY, at the top of the story. In all caps.

As it stands a meek "I'm sorry" in TFS can be construed in multiple ways, and while you may intend it one way, the people with the pitchforks and torches do not see it that way. Until you do that the pitchforks and torches will still be out.

Submission + - Slashdot Burying Stories About Slashdot Media Owned SourceForge ( 1

KMSelf writes: DICE-owned Slashdot are burying stories over DICE-owned SourceForge taking over admi accounts for existing projects and injecting adware into installers.

As a Slashdotter since before logins and registrations, this is simply pathetic.

As Dan Luu writes:"I’m amazed at how quickly it’s possible to destroy user trust, and how much easier it is to destroy a brand than to create one."


Submission + - Infrared detector to free up Internet of tomorrow

jan_jes writes: US technology company Cisco Systems says that worldwide Internet traffic increased more than five-fold between 2008 and 2013, and is set to rise by another factor of three by 2018.

Physicists in Canada and the UK have invented a new kind of silicon photodetector that converts the pulses of light sent down a fibre-optic cable into electrical signals that serve as input to computer processors – that is designed to meet that demand by increasing the range of wavelengths that can be used to send data.
The device, which could be built using existing chip-fabrication techniques, would ease the pressure on the Web's data centres by opening up a new frequency range in optical communications. This work is published in Nature Photonics.

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