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Submission + - New Elite sequel being kickstarted (

the_arrow writes: Many who grew up in the 1980's playing with computers remember Elite by David Braben and Ian Bell. Later it came a sequel, but it has been quiet the last almost 20 years. Not anymore, as their company now have started a Kickstarter campaign for Elite: Dangerous, an official sequel to the venerable game.

Comment Re:Not Anonymous? (Score 2) 234

I can speak for Greece: you move out when you get married, or if you can make a living and have had enough living with your parents. The latter is more frequent when you go to a university in a different city, be forced to live by yourself, and then rediscover the 'beauty' of living with your parents. The crisis has been skewing the staying-with-mom age range, as you'd be a fool (or desperate) to start paying more than half of your wage for rent/bills while you have a house around already.

Comment Re:Why's this a good thing? (Score 2) 74

This isn't a troll, this is how many rational, educated people in government think about the elderly problem. Let's have some real discussion instead of burying real-world opinions with which we disagree.

So I assume these rational and educated people, after they retire, they would live in a small flat for a few years and would happily give their lives away to save money for the goverment? I don't think that's the case dude. Working for the better part of your life, and when you can't work you should die? Well if you support that, start with your parents. Let us know how that goes :)

Comment Comparison to Facebook (Score 5, Funny) 370

"There's one thing Wikipedia could learn from Facebook, which is less about attractiveness and more about user-friendliness. Facebook -- and Twitter, and Tumblr, and similar sites -- have built followings in part because of their exceedingly simple interfaces"

Yes, but at what cost?

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