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Comment Re:Why? (Score 2) 38

Indeed. There are also suits and goggles which simulate old age so that youngsters can better empathize with the needs of the elderly. I mean, at some point you'll surely have stood in line behind an older person who took their sweet time to get the spare change out of the purse. With such suits, you can experience for yourself why that took so long.

It's one thing to intellectually know about a concept and a completely different thing to have actually experienced it.

You can do similar stuff when it comes to educating about the dangers of alcohol. Simply put on a special goggle (which emulates your field of view when at about 1.0 BAC and also induces vertigo) and you'll see why driving drunk is dangerous.

Comment Re:The technology exists and is used (Score 3, Insightful) 144

The same argument can be made about the death penalty. As the US justice system has shown repeatedly there are quite a lot of innocent people on death row.

Now the question becomes: Do you rather want to abolish the death penalty so that no innocent people are killed - or do you want to make sure that criminals are killed and accept the innocent victimes as collateral damage?

Benjamin Franklin stated: "It is better 100 guilty Persons should escape than that one innocent Person should suffer". I find it interesting that the US have moved into the completely opposite direction.

Comment Re:Reasonable (Score 1) 144

Riiight. Because US sex offenders lists contain people who made the mistake of drunkenly pissing against a wall in public... As long as you have those laws, your country doesn't get to be upset about anything regarding people who want to be forgotten.

Not to mention that US laws actually allows the prosecution of minors when their nude shot of themselves gets into the public internet. Because they created child pornography, or so the dubious logic goes.

Comment Re:Good. How is uber any different... (Score 1) 312

Please look up Fahrerlaubnis-Verordnung (FeV) 6:

Klasse B:
Kraftfahrzeuge – ausgenommen Kraftfahrzeuge der Klassen AM, A1, A2 und A – mit einer zulässigen Gesamtmasse von nicht mehr als 3 500 kg, die zur Beförderung von nicht mehr als acht Personen außer dem Fahrzeugführer ausgelegt und gebaut sind (auch mit Anhänger mit einer zulässigen Gesamtmasse von nicht mehr als 750 kg oder mit Anhänger über 750 kg zulässiger Gesamtmasse, sofern 3 500 kg zulässige Gesamtmasse der Kombination nicht überschritten wird).

Comment Re:Fuck these stupid morons (Score 1) 312

If they state that they're using their car for private needs and then go on to use it in a business setting - certainly.

Over here, you insure the car instead of the driver and you also have to tell the insurance company what you're using the car for. Lying to insurance companies was always a bad idea, y'know?

Comment Re:Fuck these stupid morons (Score 1) 312

Riiight. You're forgetting one thing: The insurance companies.

As soon as you have been in an accident while driving for Uber, your insurance company WILL drop your contract AND sue you - because the standard insurance contract is not intended for transportation services.

Comment Re:Good. How is uber any different... (Score 4, Informative) 312

It's a grey area and the companies you link already have had some problems. However, the companies themselves already link the limits on their sites themselves:

  • No cars with more than 9 seats
  • No profit making - the money you collect may not exceed the costs you incur for gas and car usage (deprecation)
  • No regular routes
  • No drivers who make this kind of driving their job.

Comment This can get expensive for Uber fast (Score 1) 312

The linked article lacks one important detail: The fine of up to 250,000€ is for each instance of breaking the injunction.

Sure, the first violation may only cost 2,000€. But that will go up for every violation. And you can bet your ass that the competitors will use the apps to check on Uber. And they will report any violation they find.

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