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Comment Re:The future is coming. (Score 1) 214

Well that would be covered under the extended warranty and you want to make sure you get that and anything else it will cover fixed before you trade it in. Also the goal is trade in every three years although probably not for your first new car that one will be five years but you want to get better value on the trade in it doesn't even have to be a different car just new.

This is kind of a regular thing after you make it past the buy in it's cheaper than a lease.

Comment Re:Where are the round-abouts (Score 1) 203

We have two round abouts in my US mid-western town, they are not that great and are in places of low pedestrian traffic. The rest of our intersection are more like the ones vision zero are purposing. They work very well in business areas, slows the cars down so they see the businesses, the angle parking allows more cars parked on a block, and is generally easier than parallel parking. Crosswalks are usually at the end of the blocks where there are traffic lights or have a pedestrian signal that's activated when they press a button to walk.

Comment Re:A mixed bag (Score 1) 490

When ever this subject comes up it makes me think of the same thing. What would a gender neutral world actually be like? Everyone wearing the same style clothing, no gender specific colors, hairstyles, etc... You would have trouble telling someones gender until they started to grow facial hair or develop other gender characteristics. Some wouldn't develop those characteristics until their mid twenties if at all while others would in their early teens.

Comment Re:Why limit it to gang deaths (Score 1) 609

No grown ups make decision like I do. I don't own a firearm because the cost of a safe to properly store one is more than I'm willing to pay for something I probably will never have a real need for. Although I do know people who live outside the city who do have them and have used them when rabid coyotes have gotten into their trash, barns, and go after their animals.

Comment Re:well, you see son (Score 1) 609

The closet thing I own to a firearm is a staple gun, so not trying to enhance my member.

When people take something and blow it out of proportion to make a point suddenly people are believing there is a war zone full of gun crazies running around, which just isn't the case. There isn't even really that many gun related gang deaths.

Comment Re: Whats wrong with US society (Score 1) 609

I'm sorry, what is it? According to the CDC influenza and pneumonia are a bigger killer than guns and nearly half of gun deaths are suicide. What mass shootings are you talking about the few that hit national news and are talked about over and over for decades, that one at the high school in Colorado happened 16 years ago?

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The test of intelligent tinkering is to save all the parts. -- Aldo Leopold
