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Comment Re:Spartan Giraffes (Score 2, Interesting) 232

I think perhaps we all have a difference of symantics between "evolution", "mutation", and "natural selection".

natural selection will select those most fit for survival within a species, thereby weeding out those with undesirable traits in relation to the rest.

mutation provides the grist of the natural selection mill, giving it new material to select from.

Evolution is the overall process of species adapting genetically and eventually forming new and more numerous species.

Thats how I view it, but IANAEB.

Comment Re:I'm dubious (Score 1) 834

This is true. Some features of beauty are enduring, though. I suspect we, human males, are wired to find certain things attractive.

Symmetry of body and face, youthful look, healthy body proportions. This last one has a lot of wiggle room in it. Most men still find "healthy" body type, ala Marilyn Monroe, Ginger from Gilligan's Island, an attractive body type, despite what current fashion and media tries to tell us is attractive.

Comment Re:And they wonder why..... (Score 1) 299

I'm one of those people you talk about. I'm such a menace under the hood. Not only do I buy parts off similar, but superior, cars to swap into mine, I've been known to backyard up my own modifications to intake, exhaust, and other areas, just for fun. I actually hate taking my car to a mechanic for fear of them having exactly the issue you describe.

Right now, I've got an 04 Subaru with a 'custom' air intake, basically just a cone filter directly mounted to the throttle body, with the PCV valves replumbed back in to the cone filter. Its kind of a monstrosity, but it sounds SO good, and I refuse to put it back. I recently took it in for a repair to the accessory pulley and my mechanic raised quite a few eyebrows. (He's got at least 5)

Comment Re:I would disagree with the premise. (Score 1) 222

You're assuming that only those with physical access to a machine can perpetrate crimes from that machine. What about people who have rootkits and viruses on their computers, unknowingly spamming and phishing and reporting back to another person? From the victim's standpoint, it would appear that I was the guilty party, if IPs were IIP, but I am completely unaware of any wrongdoing other than, in this example, being a complete numpty about software security.

That point alone throws out the entire concept of IIP.

What about the fact that I also have a single IP for my household, connected to my wireless router. Anyone driving by my home could crack the encryption and use my IP to perpetrate all kinds of nasty stuff. No fault of mine. I took all reasonable precautions (and even if I didn't, I can't be to blame, legally. You can't sue someone for using WEP or going unencrypted on their WLAN).

Comment Re:I would disagree with the premise. (Score 3, Insightful) 222

Untrue. You identify an internet device. Just because an IP was used to perpetrate an act, you can never use that information to link to a person. Anyone can be sitting at a keyboard, or using a smart phone, or tapping an ipod, not just the "owner" of the device.

If my computer's IP was used to steal personal information in a phishing scam, not even mentioning that the computer could be doing this unbeknownst to me while I'm sitting here, anyone else who has physical access to my home, legally or otherwise, could be using this computer at any time.

Comment Re:Its not rocket surgery... (Score 4, Informative) 865

Dive Bombers. You mean the exercise that you do by going through a push up motion, except instead of remaining rigid you.. COMPRESS YOUR LOWER BACK?


This looks FAR harder on the lower back (bent backwards in the final position) than a crunch where your lower back never moves or leaves the floor. If you are involving your lower back in a crunch, you're doing it wrong.

Comment Re:Can't be Done With Proprietary Stuff (Score 2, Insightful) 70

You've totally painted over the computer industry's failure on that front


These are some pretty big non-failures of open standards that allow any implementation of various devices and data to interact and communicate successfully. While I have no doubt that there are examples of failures, as well, the fact that I can read what you write on my computer, made by a different manufacturer, to different specs, with different architecture from yours says that intercommunication of a heterogeneous nature is not a fart in the wind.

Comment Re:Immunse systems do not like foreign objects. (Score 5, Interesting) 200

There are many biologically neutral materials that are safely implanted into the body all the time. Titanium pins for repairing bones. Pacemakers. Composite plates for skull injuries. These are just medical examples. You get into the "body modification" crowd and you start seeing stainless steel, neobium, and nylon implants and piercings.

I suspect that rejection or attack by white blood cells are not an insurmountable issue here, but I'm not a doctor.

Comment Re:Same old Circuit City, even in its last days (Score 1) 600

I generally buy most of my digital signal cables at local dollar stores. Analog is a SLIGHTLY different creature, but there's no reason to drop extra dollars on gold plated, oxygen free, super conducting dilithium cables for a digital signal. A $4 HDMI cable from the dollar store works just as well as the $40 that Radio Shack wants to sell you.

Comment Re:That's Spooky! (Score 2) 81

The fluidic pressure inside the fish would have to equal the water pressure outside the fish. The eyeballs would burst.

Also, as stated above, the gasses dissolved in the bodily fluids of the fish would precipitate out, if brought to the surface, causing bubbles in the eyes, which would eventually burst.

Divers who come back up too fast don't have decompression sickness from their lungs, its the extra gas dissolved in their blood at depth that does it.

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