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Comment Re:Preying on the ignorant? (Score 1) 482

Who in their right mind would buy gold right now? It recently passed the $1300 mark and may climb higher, but historical trends indicate that it is in a major spiking period. "What goes up must come down," doesn't only apply to gravity

I dunno man, I was going to buy gold when they were saying the same thing, but it was at $600 dollars.

I didn't buy, because guys like you kept saying the same thing. =/

Then 5 or so years later, I could have bought a new house.

Now? I WANT to believe it really is too late.

Never take advice about finances from the internet...

Comment Re:Well I don't think it'll be a problem like that (Score 1) 764

Did you sleep through it when gas prices in the US were hitting $5 a gallon? It was unbelievable how many alt fuel technologies were crawling out of the woodwork.

Yeah? And how many of those turned out to be feasible?

"Someone will come up with something" is what people say who want to ignore this.

Well, what if it's physically impossible to "come up with something"?

Wind is not enough, water is not enough, coal is not enough, Ethanol turned out to be a big bust, biofuels are pretty much a curiosity, nuclear is incredibly expensive and most people actually fight against it, what's left? Iron Man's energy generator?

Where are your alternative fuel technologies now, that were promised decades ago? I guess they're coming with the flying cars.

Comment Re:And yet- (Score 1) 828

"it is likely the best university system in the world."

In the same way the USA is "The best country in the world"?

As far as I know, any first world has equal or better universities than the USA. And some 3rd world countries can compete too, apparently (witness China/India and their dominance in maths)

Comment Failed in Mexico already (Score 5, Informative) 615

This law was passed in Mexico a few months ago. It's basically a failure because of all the fake IDs out there. There's very little preventing you from registering it to someone else's name too.

To send a message to the president Felipe Calderon, a lot of people registered using his personal data.

A few days ago, one of the phone companies admitted they had at least 12,000 cell phones registered to the president's name...

Comment Re:Civ was my offline game (Score 1) 295

Absolutely, the one big caveat of Steam is that you can't sell or even gift your games you don't use anymore.

I'd love for this to change. However I don't think this is up to Steam/Valve alone - Publishers surely would shun their platform if Valve allowed resales, are you kidding?

But in the meantime, it's just too convenient and not intrusive enough to warrant using Steam.

Maybe in the future it will change, but I wouldn't hold my breath...

Comment Re:How long will it last (Score 1) 295

I don't like this DRM business either, but Valve has been around more than 10 years, and the Steam platform for like 6 or 8 years. Honestly besides the rare internet outage I've not had any problems with them.

Valve is honestly the last great PC gaming company left, I support them whenever I can.

Hell, they're still supporting TF2 with patches and new content, 3 years after it was released.

Comment Re:It's just a computer. (Score 1) 503

You must have huge mutant fingers because I've been using my Dell mini netbook for months and I love it. Supposedly the keyboard is about 90% of the size of a regular keyboard, and I have absolutely no problems typing anything on it.

Maybe other netbooks are smaller and have worse keyboards, but I quite like mine. I'm probably not going to buy an iPad, I already have a Kindle, netbook and regular computer. I like the idea, however.

Comment Re:David Lynch movie was innaccurate but was ART (Score 2, Insightful) 589

The problem, my dear anonymous coward, is that we want entertainment, not art. If we get art along the entertainment, great!

But we don't expect to go to a scifi movie and have what might as well be 2 hours of David Lynch jerking off in front of the audience (an opinion that movie snobs might hate but in my mind that's pretty much all he does in his movies).

I don't claim to enjoy or even understand David Lynch's "art", but I can recognize when a movie based on a very awesome book is "crap".

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