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Comment Re:production and development cost (Score 1) 333

China already has moved (or is moving) to Linux with Ubuntu Kylin http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/ubuntukylin As far as people in China still using Windows, the majority of them are pirated copies. That's why they want extended support, they won't buy Windows 8.1 or even 7 because they never bought XP in the first place.

Comment Re:Who Owns Key? What Signs Upstream? (Score 1) 140

I want no part of "Google freedom". Their self driving cars? If these are the norm, they'll know where you are - all the time - and be queriable for your violations of speed limits...

but if they're self driving cars, wouldn't it be the software that is guilty of going over the speed limit?

Comment Re:High Certainty. (Score 1) 324

Other than creating a parallel universe where we say to one Earth "pollute all you want" and the other Earth "don't pollute" and then check on them in 50 years, what sort of model would be satisfactory? I'm not saying I do(not) believe in Climate Change, just wondering what everyone would agree on for a method.

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