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Comment Re:Modularity (Score 1) 302


It just makes updating take that much more bandwidth and time.

When I do use Java(it is usually JRuby) I use 1 jar per top level package and try very hard to make each jar file follow the Unix way(do one thing and do it well). It works great to keep things properly separated and is fantastic for updating.

Comment Re:Modularity (Score 1) 302

Two libraries could concievably have the same package and class name causing conflicts. Of course that is why the verbose and nasty namespacing occurs.

Comment Re:Does it make Minecraft run faster? (Score 1) 302

Can you sort an array like so in Java

public void swap(int a, int b)
    int tmp=b;

swap(array[i],array[j]); ...

Answer: no you can not.

references in java are gimped pointers and have nothing to do with passing parameters.

What gets passed is a value, if it is a primitive, or an address if it is an object.

It is amazing how ignorant Java devs are.

Comment Re:One side of the story (Score 1) 710

Funny thing is that Jonathon Martin was absolutely vilified for speaking out against him being harassed.

Guess male on male harassment is still okay in many people's eyes.

I have known women "programmers" who couldn't write a hello world program by themselves who cry discrimination when confronted with their incompetence.

Until that sort of thing stops, and vile people like that entitled brat in the Donglegate farce go away, women claiming harassment in IT will always go under a microscope.

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