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Comment Re:This is insane. (Score 1) 324

I would get rid of the phone too, but in this day and age it is a necessity. Maybe I could just turn mobile data off and use the library for my internet needs. Either that or just forget the internet all together. The internet makes things a lot easier, convenient, cost effective etc. However the costs would be so high that I would not be able to afford it.

Comment This is insane. (Score 1) 324

I usually use about 300 gigabyte a month easy due to streaming. This alone would add an extra $186 to the $63 a month I already pay. So essentially I would have a $249 bill if we were subject to something like this where I live. No thanks,I would just not have an internet connection and would tether off my phone when I needed to. If I just stuck with the necessities I would only need to get online with my PC for school work and what not, and this wouldn’t use much bandwidth at all. Also I could handle things like personal email with my phone, and all important email goes to my work email address which I only access at (you guessed it) work anyways.

Comment Re:The Middle Class is the Bedrock of Society (Score 1) 839

They won’t be creating a situation where it is taken away. In socialism/communism those with money and power will hold on to it oppress the citizens. In this kind of society you have the elite few who hold all the money and power. So essentially all you have is the super rich and dirt poor. We see this in China and the people there right now are protesting demanding democracy. They want out of this social ideal that does not work, and just so you know there cannot be any democracy without capitalism. Capitalism is something that doesn’t need democracy, but democracy desperately needs capitalism and cannot truly exist without it. It is for that reason why I support capitalism. These two systems together allow the freedom of the individual and gives us all liberty, and that is what I want to see for all people.

Comment Re:The Middle Class is the Bedrock of Society (Score 1) 839

Quit making assumptions. When I talk about socialism/communism I am talking about the government working towards taking to much control. Also let's not forget that a lot of people are in support of greater government control and redistribution of wealth which is the basis of socialism/communism. This will only end badly as it always has when countries take this route.

Comment Re:The Middle Class is the Bedrock of Society (Score 1) 839

You know that I am talking about the over reach of government and how they are stepping on rights more and more. Also a lot of people support the idea of redistribution of wealth and greater government control which is the basis of socialism/communism. You all need to quit making assumptions and arguing against claims I am not making.

Comment Re:The Middle Class is the Bedrock of Society (Score 1) 839

Quit making assumptions and get over yourself. I was just making a general statement about capitalism vs socialism/communism, and I realize that there are many factors at play here. Also the USA is slowly turning into a socialist police state that is a fact. I didn't say we are completely there but we are well on our way. There is no such thing as privacy anymore you people on here should know this. The government knows way more about you than you obviously realize, and in any power hungry government the people are seen as the enemy. Keep trolling if you want, what you say can't change the truth.

Comment Re:The Middle Class is the Bedrock of Society (Score 1) 839

Capitalism and Democracy has allowed a lot of freedom as well as letting our nation as a whole better lives of millions. The free world has done a lot of good since it allows people to take things into their own hands if the choose to do so. Taking things into your own hands can be a very tough challenge, but it can be done and you can build the kind of life you want under these circumstances. So to me that is pretty good, but I will admit that not everything is perfect, and nothing we do can be perfect really.

Comment Re:The Middle Class is the Bedrock of Society (Score 1) 839

I am not a purist, and I understand that having some social things implemented along with captitalism can be very beneficial. I just don't support full on socialism/communism that so many seem to want these days. I agree with what you are saying, I just feel that to much socialism can be very bad given what we've seen it do in the past.

Comment Re:Awesome quote (Score 1) 232

I wish more people saw it this way. Where I live we have mutiple ISPs and as a result they each offer pretty good service. Competition is always desirable and we should be doing things to promote smaller mutiple companies that compete with one another instead of having these huge ones that monopolize on everything that they can.

Comment Re:Let me get this right (Score 1) 839

Maybe have a flat sales tax on everything except food, rent, and other necessities? That way no one has to bother with those forms anymore and the whole process is a lot simpler and more efficient. It would also keep people from evading taxes as well since it is taken out on transactions. I have heard of this before and it sounds good, but I am not sure how great it would actually be in practice.

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