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Comment Seriously? (Score 1) 240

Sometimes I do stuff and later I think "Wow I should have thought about that". However when I see stuff like this I am reminded that I am not that bad off. If anything this shows me that I might even possibly be smarter than I realize. Also as funny as this is it also makes me cringe and worry about the future.

Comment Re:US is next? (Score 2) 981

As I said being religious does not mean anti-science. Furthermore I give a lot of things in science a lot of thought, and truthfully I can't say any of them go against what I believe. Religion is an explanation of why I am here and where I will go so to speak. Whereas science is basically just something that explains the world around us. The two do not have to contradict one another.

Comment Re:Why just guns? (Score 1) 264

So true, and what a lot of people do not realize is that we have knives, and you can get those without having to get a back ground check or anything. Also when I say knives I am talking about the military grade ones. Those tend to make very good offensive weapons. Lets not forget either that getting a conceal carry for those big things is far easier than for a gun. So does that mean we should ban knives too? Not at all since like you stated people are the root of the problem, and not guns or any weapon for that matter.

Comment Re:Why just guns? (Score 1) 264

Guns are banned in quite a few cities. Also by your logic those of us who live in the country where almost everyone has a gun should have a very high murder rate, however that is the opposite. Furthermore getting rid of guns won't fix the issue since it is not the root cause. China has massive stabbing sprees frequently, and firearms are banned there. One of the worst involved several men who stabbed about 159 people, and 29 nine of them died.

Comment Re:Why just guns? (Score 1) 264

My point is that the issue isn't guns but criminals. In China those handful of men with knives still managed to kill 29 people and injure another 130. That is just as bad if not worse than any gun crime I have heard of. Lets also remember that it is very easy to make a knife. Furthermore more people are killed yearly by blunt objects than so called "assault" weapons. Also those so called "assault" weapons are actually some of the weaker guns you can buy. So really the whole gun arguemnt is flawed when you think about it. It bascially always boils down to criminals.

Comment Re:wow (Score 2) 185

This is a pretty good point. Driverless cars may be to much of a liability when you think about it. Sure I think that they would be great, but if a crash does happen despite how rare it would be someone would be getting sued. So in the end it may be to much of a hassle for companies to mess with. I guess we will have to see how it all turns out.

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