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Comment Re:It is just more of Macs becoming iDevices (Score 1) 376

Everyone just needs to get over it and use Dropbox with TrueCrypt or whatever their private cloud solution is and stop bitching. There's plenty of examples of people's encryption being broken by social engineering. Most people have to sticky note their passwords, so they don't stand a chance. Unless you just keep everything in your head and become interrogation proof, someone will always be able to get whatever info they need. And you're full of crap if you think anyone wants to hack into your pics of lolcats and your last company picnic.

Comment Re:Well I don't think it'll be a problem like that (Score 1) 764

One thing you may have noticed is that humans are good at ignoring a problem until it forces them to adapt. New technologies are good and all, but alternatives are just another thing people will have to buy to get around the shortage. That's money many won't have once prices rise due to a crunch in a critically important resource. Cripes we're already complaining about the rise in coffee prices. Everything made of plastics or wrapped in them will also rise in price, making a very personal crunch in resources for everyone.

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