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Comment Use 2 computers (Score 1) 298

My Dad works at a company, maintaining their servers. He has his own personal computer that is nothing to do with work, and he is provided with a PGP encrypted Windows XP Dell Latitude, that tunnels everything over a VPN to his work.It probably is monitored, but since it's being provided for free, don't complain. Use a different computer!

Comment I thought slashdotters would know that (Score 2) 835

While I'm taught in RS/RE, science and geography lessons that renewable energy will never run out, obviously it will. Wind power: caused by vacuums caused by sun. Waves: caused by moon movement caused by big bang. solar: caused by sun. Also note, the energy cannot be destroyed, so in theory solar makes the world slightly darker, and turbines slow the wind down slightly. However, it will last so long that it's near finite to the human mind I thought slashdotters knew this!

Comment stop filtering by referrer (Score 1) 115

I hate it when websites filter by referrer and claim you are stealing their bandwidth. Really? It's just a hyperlink. If you're going to complain don't put it on the web! I use a Firefox add-on to spoof the referrer, to the wikipedia article on referrer spoofing, and sometimes sites claim I'm stealing their bandwidth, and recaptcha doesn't work, but luckily the extension has an exceptions list

Comment I can't use it for unblocking anymore (Score 1) 115

at school, they proxy through EMBC, who block stuff. If they want to block something themselves, at one time they had an inhouse smoothwall (dansguardian/squid) server, but they now block it by using the remote administration tool, by looking at the window title. eg, which is unblocked at school, is closed automatically when a window with 'notdoppler' in it opens. I used to have a HTML page in my documents with 2 frames, a 1 pixel blank one, and Google. Now since google blocks frames (it seems to be IE that complies with that request, and I can't use Firefox, as since they upgraded to Windows 7 you can't run EXE's of removable media) so I have to put in the URL in the source directly everytime. I hope no more sites doing this, or since as I said it seems to be IE that complies with that request to block framed Google, I find a way to override this 'safety'

Comment he did take undue credit (Score 1) 1

Well I agree that apple did take credit and claimed to invent smartphones, tablets, video calling, app stores/repositories etc. which is what makes me dislike them the most and puts me off buying their products so I don't reinforce that, which is stupid, because im cutting off my nose to spite my face and using inferior technology. they _improved_ existing technology and made it available to the masses and RIP Steve Jobs

Comment My fingerprint has been 'on the grid' (kind of)... (Score 1) 294

...for 4 years! I'm in UK school year 10 (14-15) and most of the secondary schools I know of use fingerprints for the canteen, along with a photo that pops up at the checkout, in case you, er, steal someones finger. its mainly to speed things up and you cant lose your finger easily however I seem to remember hearing that it is a checksum that is stored, so the fingerprint cannot be got out of the system

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