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Portables (Apple)

Journal Journal: Stupid Apple! Stupid Motorola! Stupid OctaneZ?

So I noticed my Apple Addressbook was empty today when I went to much with iChat. No problem I thought, I'll just sync it off my phone, I've added a couple entries to it recently, no problem! Fire up sync, let it turn through everything, and lo, it decided to keep seven!!!! Yes SEVEN!!!! of my addresses and delete everything else off my phone!!!

Journal Journal: Sick of Bad Metamoding 2

So someone back me up; I moderated this post as funny, it got metamoderated as "Unfair." I've only gotten "Unfair" metamods in the couple weeks, really annoying.

Journal Journal: New Slashdot/CSS annoyance 5

Okay, it's Wednesday, so maybe this is the newest feature; but it's driving me crazy. When scrolling down through an article the "# of comments/Better-Worse/More-Less" Bar jumps to the top of the window and sticks there; taking up precious real estate on my little 12" pBook. Maybe it's because I have mod points at the moment I don't know. Just very frustrating.
(aren't you glad this wasn't a post about sex or boxes)

User Journal

Journal Journal: - Updated 1

Given all the music we talk about is anyone else using You can find me as user OctaneZ. Someone else in the Journal Circle must be on it. I could always use more friends!

User Journal

Journal Journal: [Birthday] A short poem^h^h^h^hMadlibs for johndiii

When at last I see thy eyes my heart swells with lust of unimaginable desire.
Blood and alcohol pulse through my veins.

All the world could waste away but for your brightness.

Oh dear John,
You make me swoon
As I wander these lonely roads
You smile strikes me.

Gentoo 2006.0 Screenshot Tour 161

linuxbeta writes "Hot on the heels of Gentoo's announcement of their 2006.0 release, OSDir has published a Gentoo 2006.0 Screenshot Tour which give us a walk-through of installing Gentoo with the first ever Gentoo Linux LiveCD."

A Look at GNOME 2.14 602

An anonymous reader writes "Gnome has a nice preview of their newest version 2.14 posted which should be hitting the streets around the 15th of March. From the article: "As well as new features and more polish, developers have been working around the clock to squeeze more performance out of the most commonly used applications and libraries. This is a review of some of the most shiny work that has gone into the upcoming GNOME release."

ATI Claims HDCP Then Covers Its Tracks 328

BigControversy writes "It looks like a big can of worms is being opened. The is reporting that ATI sold millions of video cards knowing that HDCP support was not enabled. Despite that, the cards were sold and advertised to its customers as having HDCP capabilities. A day or two after this information was revealed, went completely password protected and ATI is now modifying key areas of its website, removing any mention of 'HDCP-ready'."
User Journal

Journal Journal: How teens are redefining their sexual image [Tom Read this] 2

The New York Metro's The Cuddle Puddle of Stuyvesant High School is a really interesting, if long (7 pages) look at how teens are redefining their sexuality. Admittedly it may not be a representative sample, as Stuy is one of the hardest schools in the country to get into; so these are very bright students; and this article has to do with a self-selecting subset of them. But the article looks at home homosexual expression has become m

Journal Journal: New /. Feature? 3

Is anyone else seeing skiny grey bars between the normal story posts? I am sseing links to Ask Slashdot articles that didn't make the front page.
Anyone else seeing anything? Did Cmdr T make a switch on odd day or have I just been missing it?

Desktops (Apple)

Journal Journal: Powerbook Why Have You Forsaken Me? 1

I woke this morning to find the powerbook had crashed overnight, not all that unusual for me. Came into work, diddled around with my morning routine; then went to flip on the notebook. I was greated by the little Mac "ding," followed by awful awful sounds of whirring and thrashing coming from the HD bay of my poor little 12-inch.

Comment A few obvious ones (Score 1) 682

1. Everything in source control. Everything.
1.1 Source control on RAID.
1.2 Occasional offsite backups.

2. Get everyone on the same page as far as who's going to do what, and how the parts will talk to each other, before anybody writes a line of code.

3. Never add manpower unless:
3.1 ... they have needed expertise, and no one else can learn it on schedule.
3.2 ... someone else is leaving.
3.3 ... you JUST shipped the last version and have plenty of time to bring the new folks up to speed.

4. (This is a more personal-level tip) No AIM, no IRC, no email while coding.

5. Use Ruby. Or Python, even.
User Journal

Journal Journal: Anyone have a spare Verizon phone? 4

Anyone have a spare Verizon phone in the back of a closet? One of my best friends had her phone kick the bucket, and is trying to avoid signing a new contract just now, as she is in school and isn't sure she wants to be tied into one plan for another year or two. Not looking for anything fancy, she's used to just a phone that's just a phone. I know, a strange plea, but if you have one that you don't need anymore please let me know.

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