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Comment Re:How about mandatory felony sentences instead? (Score 1) 420

Technically true. However nobody should be insane enough to complain about that when you take the sane option of taking a cab.
Unless you cause other problems (peeing in mailboxes or singing at the top of your voice at 3 in the morning for example). That sort of behavior will get you in trouble, drunk or not.

I have taken a bike home from a bar or a party about a hundred times. Years ago I was occasionally too drunk to not be able to walk, let alone in a straight line.
Never have the cops said anything about that, although I have met them on a few occasions while overly and clearly drunk.

Are the US so different from the Netherlands that the cops will arrest a quiet drunk walking home? Really?

Comment Re:No big red button? (Score 2) 212

A nuclear reactor and a nuclear bomb are as different as cola and coffee.
If you bomb a nuclear reactor you have made a dirty bomb. Not an atom bomb. Dirty bombs are not nice but not as destructive as atom bombs.
Add to that that the fact that all nuclear reactors have massive concrete and steel walls. Those are meant to keep the radiation inside but also keep bombs outside.
I can't find it now (corporate filters) but there is a film clip of a jet fighter crashing into a reactor wall as a test. Watch it and guess if a bomb is going to damage that.

Comment Re:Just use filters (Score 1) 114

1. Practical lasers are in just a few frequencies. Not all over the spectrum. They are NOT light bulbs. Filtering works.
2. The rest of the public is not the problem. The problem is not damaging of eyes. It's seeing nothing because the whole freaking windshield lights up.

Having said that, education should indeed be part of the solution.

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