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Comment Re:Help me out here a little... (Score 1) 533

Where I live it also get dark at 17:00 in winter. However, there are people with split rate meters that count night usage different from day usage. Night usage is cheaper.

Why? Almost everybody heats with natural gas. More than half cook with natural gas. Don't use electricity for the work that natural gas can do. Low entropy energy is expensive.

Comment Re:Expensive (Score 1) 117

One of the problems with digging tunnels in a city is that it causes the ground to settle. Even with modern systems that have only little vibration and only little risk of caving in between the drill head and the tunnel wall.
If the ground drops even 10 cm on one side of a building, what do you think happens with it?

Comment Re:Fixes wrong problem (Score 1) 117

I want somewhere I can pick up my parcel at a time convenient to me. Luckily we have that here in the Netherlands. I can have the packet send to my supermarket and then I can go get it with my next shopping trip. No need to stay at home for a simple delivery.
Sadly Amazon doesn't work with it yet so I have to have that send to my work address.

Comment Expensive (Score 1) 117

Digging tunnels under cities is expensive. I won't say it's a bad plan, quite on the contrary, but it'll be expensive to get the tunnels in place.
I would love to see it work, motor vehicles in inner cities is a bad plan and this would make it possible to eliminate trucks from the inner city. After that making the roads bike and walk only is just a small step.

Comment Re:Valve needs to use their clout (Score 2) 309

Valve can have significant impact on that. It would just also significantly impact themselves.
Steam knows or can know what GPU you run it on, along with drivers etc. It could simply fall back to VGA without hardware acceleration for yet-to-be-released Nvidia GPUs.
That would significantly affect the Nvidia bottom line in the future. It would also place Valve in a bad spot.

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