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Comment Re:because drinking water is so pristine (Score 1) 242

The one bottled water that I checked because it tasted like bleach (Bar Le Duc) turned out to have about 1000 times as much chlorine in it as reported in our local tap water. Added on purpose to increase shelf life.
Bottled water always tastes chemical to me, but that stuff is probably usable as a light bleach.
I can't imagine why any Dutch would drink bottled water, as our water supply is far cleaner than the bottled stuff. I only buy Spa because their bottles are so damn convenient. And I get some free water with that bottle!

Comment Re:Improving cooking is not easy. (Score 1) 204

Most titanium pans are really really thin. That hampers heat distribution and increases burning of food.

My best frying pan is a sandwich of aluminum with stainless steel layers on the outside. The aluminum distributes the heat, the stainless steel protects the aluminum (as aluminum is prone to fast wear and I'm not certain it is not unhealthy).
The pan was expensive, but since I use it about twice a week it is worth it.

Comment Re:Insides and outsides (Score 1) 238

That hot water system is not going to be better than common vacuum insulated solar boilers because you lose a lot of heat to the air. You might be able to upgrade the common vacuum insulated solar boilers with the stuff (the vacuum insulation would also eliminate wear and tear on the fragile surface). However that would only be an option if the price is low. Current solutions reflect less than 5% (they seem to be glossy) so the maximum gain you are going to get is 5%.

This is more for situations where the reflected light is the problem. Normal matte paint reflects 1%. This reflects 0.035%. The problem, thus, is only 1/28th as much. Inside a camera that means 28 times better imaging in certain situations. Situations like in space telescopes.

Comment Re:Void warranty (Score 1) 77

How is voiding the warranty threat show they are taking security seriously? Everyone puts a voids the warranty warning when they don't want you to see whats inside. IF someone hacks your car is the warranty still void?

That's like buying a nice and secure computer, installing Adobe Reader on it and complain to the manufacturer that it got hacked.
He didn't just look around. He installed Firefox. While FF is not as idiotic as Adobe's bloatware, it is still an entry vector. They warned him against that.
Of course Tesla is not responsible when you install a webbrowser on your car, go to some virus ridden site and have a problem. They could have prevented the installation, but they didn't. Instead they warned the idiot that what he was doing was idiotic and beyond their responsibility.

Comment Re:Better still (Score 1) 87

*Warning: Dollhouse spoilers ahead*

Meh, if they can replace all memory then the first step will be better hookers. Why settle for a hooker that knows she only pretends to love you when you can order one who doesn't know it's only pretend?
Next step will be programmable assasins.
Third step will be a programmed president. Why bribe the current one when you can replace him with one you own?
Fourth step will be a bigger problem, but it'll take the a while to figure out how to program people over the phone without active architecture.

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