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Comment Re:hmm (Score 1) 217

I remember those days... back in high school (circa 95-99) when 700 kids shared one ISDN with the staff.... You had to select directories all the way down until you found something you might want. The search only found a directory's name, not contents.

At that time searching was a joke. Nobody really used the internet for anything at school because it was too slow and there was nothing of use on it. Except, perhaps if you could quickly log onto a boobie site when the teacher or librarians hawk-like eyes looked away. Those URLs we memorized...


Comment Re:a hack (Score 1) 459

Easy. If he's running Vista/Win7 (and he's not) he can schedule the task to bring up a box that says "Wipe HDD?". If he clicks any buttons a passkey is requested (otherwise, 15 seconds later it goes away). If the wrong passkey is entered the drive is wiped.

Though I 100% agree. Truecrypt is the answer.

Comment Re:Whole Disk Encryption (Score 1) 459

I think this nullifies the original intent of the query. The MSI Wind U100 doesn't have a DVD drive and carrying an external would pretty well destroy the point of being as portable as possible. On-disk encryption is probably the best bet considering whatever this guy is carrying is probably not worth keyloggers or other problems. If the netbook is infiltrated by virus or malware then so be it. However, he'll probably notice any hardware interface that would install a keylogger as he's looking right at the netbook.

If he wants to obliterate the data then whatever he does has to specifically target the areas he wants to delete (a partition of the drive) and be triggered by X amount of failed logins or some similar tactic.

Comment Great startegy (Score 1, Insightful) 279

Release Vista, a relatively broken operating system, and try to ram it down peoples' throats. When the people gag enough pop out a 'new' OS that fixes the unpalatableness of the old OS and sell millions!

Not that I don't mind using a descent OS, which Windows 7 seems to be at this time. However, I'd be just as likely to use Windows 7 as XP.

Comment I'm going to say, yes (Score 1) 519

My fiance was driving to her brother's house for the millionth time. I was on the phone with her and the GPS told her to go north when we both knew damn well she needed to go south. But, since it had messed up she figured it was right and went North..... Not five seconds later, "This doesn't seem right." I have repeatedly heard her say that it was one of the best gifts ever, however she can't find my apartment about 50% of the time.

Tech is great when properly used. However, when it takes away from our ability to do things that we should be able to do on our own I will have to second guess it.

Comment Re:This is America (Score 1) 528

You wouldn't be the only one going to prison for your reaction. I'm 100% with you. If any student is suspected of having any sort of illegal drug then the police and the parents should be called. No member of the faculty, no matter what their position or rank, has ANY authority to go near those kids. Search the bag and locker. After that call in authorities and parents. You can't have just one or the other, either.

I'd be pressing sexual assault charges and would not give up until the person(s) responsible paid bid time. The problem is that no matter how much you do it may never reverse the damage done to the kid.

Comment Re:Freakin' Prodigies... (Score 1) 230

I'm pretty sure the dinosaurs, meteors, God, whatever deserves a lot of credit for coming up with that scheme where most living material gets buried for millions of years and/or under a flood just so we can power society for, what, 100-200 years?

Wait... that plan sorta sucks! The only solution left is to bury OUR society under hundreds of tones of rock and earth for our 10^5 generation grandchildren...

Comment Re:Nonsequitor in the summary (Score 1) 455

Wait, wait, wait... you enjoyed Chrono Cross? I bought it and couldn't handle how much I hated it. Trigger was phenomenal. Absolutely phenomenal. But Cross? I guess when I saw the guy that attacks things by strumming a guitar I lost it. No thanks. I think I got an hour in but I detested playing games on the PSOne so much because of load times that I rarely played through a game.

And for reference, I played the hell out of Gran Turismo and one of the Wing Commander clones (I forget the name) despite the agonizing load times.

I hate load times. The days of the PSOne were frustrating and painful....

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