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Comment Re:This is America (Score 1) 528

You wouldn't be the only one going to prison for your reaction. I'm 100% with you. If any student is suspected of having any sort of illegal drug then the police and the parents should be called. No member of the faculty, no matter what their position or rank, has ANY authority to go near those kids. Search the bag and locker. After that call in authorities and parents. You can't have just one or the other, either.

I'd be pressing sexual assault charges and would not give up until the person(s) responsible paid bid time. The problem is that no matter how much you do it may never reverse the damage done to the kid.

Comment Re:Freakin' Prodigies... (Score 1) 230

I'm pretty sure the dinosaurs, meteors, God, whatever deserves a lot of credit for coming up with that scheme where most living material gets buried for millions of years and/or under a flood just so we can power society for, what, 100-200 years?

Wait... that plan sorta sucks! The only solution left is to bury OUR society under hundreds of tones of rock and earth for our 10^5 generation grandchildren...

Comment Re:Nonsequitor in the summary (Score 1) 455

Wait, wait, wait... you enjoyed Chrono Cross? I bought it and couldn't handle how much I hated it. Trigger was phenomenal. Absolutely phenomenal. But Cross? I guess when I saw the guy that attacks things by strumming a guitar I lost it. No thanks. I think I got an hour in but I detested playing games on the PSOne so much because of load times that I rarely played through a game.

And for reference, I played the hell out of Gran Turismo and one of the Wing Commander clones (I forget the name) despite the agonizing load times.

I hate load times. The days of the PSOne were frustrating and painful....

Comment Re:Bunk (Score 1) 190

It's like a prehistoric reality show, then? And here I thought society had only perfected wasting time, money, resources and lives only in the last few centuries!

Way to go subverted ancients! I salute your tyrannical, well-entertained overlords.

Comment Re:1% ! (Score 1) 519

Some places claim a 97% success rate (they measure success as the measurable presence of sperm going out) after 30 years. Buy you have to pay out the.. erm... ass. And you won't find an insurance carrier that will even consider paying for that operation.

Other places say 50/50. Still, insurance will not pay for the reversal in any case so if you plan on reversing it save those pennies.

Comment Re:1% ! (Score 1) 519

Well, if 1% of men getting this shot get pregnant, I'm very much not interested. My fiance will continue to use the pill until such a time occurs when we feel we need to make little geek replicas of ourselves.. And she can carry them.

Comment Not a big deal (Score 1) 191

Most of IT support and administration staff weren't fond enough of SHOWERS to use it. SOAP itself wasn't necessarily a child process or deamon for SHOWERS as it also worked with BATH and HANDWASH. Neither of which are popular either. Most of them will just hope that DEODORANT will cover up the problems that SOAP, SHOWERS, or BATH would have fixed but generally everyone can tell if they start sniffing around the network.

I hear good things about the open source project PTA BATH.

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