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Comment No... (Score 1) 331

It's a pretty cool idea. And the algorithm would be fun to explore, but the individual overhead alone on this systems isn't worth the time or money for the minimal payout. How much could you possibly, reasonably expect to pull in? A few bucks a year? Certainly not enough to offset your new bandwidth and power requirements.

You'd be better off building a small SAN in your basement and selling cloudiness to people you know for the maintenance costs. A while ago I helped some friends set up a small mesh of Drobos and other cheap SANs where they could deposit their photos, etc, at each other's houses. Four people had four copies of their data in four physical locations. Everything was encrypted and everyone got the same space. So long as they keep everything on and plugged in...

Comment Re:Conclusion goes too far? (Score 1) 159

I didn't see a reason to go into the details of this particular situation more than that which I found humorous and nerdy. I still don't. The situation was handled very professionally, as I handle all situations. But the professional part isn't as interesting in this context to me as perhaps it is to you.

If you find yourself in a situation like this and you circumvent the rules and get away with it, bully for you. If I'm your net admin and I find out about it, I'll make sure to type up a full report as to why some ass hat in accounting or something like that felt it was okay to skirt compliance and company policy so he could do whatever it is the company decided he's not supposed to do. And a week after that I'd be more than happy to submit your termination to my admins for processing. I'm more concerned about saving your company from the idiots and self righteous. Certainly DGAF about your comfort or position. You want something you ask the people that pay for it and I'd be happy to make that happen if your company decides it's something they want and can afford.

And you're right. Cisco is overpriced and over valued for the most part. But I wasn't the architect (or the owner, who had a major Cisco hard on), so it wasn't my call. Even if I was, I wouldn't be selling $60 consumer grade routers to companies with a 4 hour SLA on hardware knowing full-well that I'd have to send an agent out there 2-3 times a year to replace fried equipment and making my company look like morons. Some of them did that enough on their own...

Comment Re:Conclusion goes too far? (Score 1) 159

Upside-down internet is a lot of fun. And you're right. I'm not a control freak. We set up security rules and guidelines for a reason. Some of these places have stringent compliance needs for HIPPA, PCI, and other regulations that strictly forbid the behavior I mentioned. So, yeah, I'm fucking with him but I'm also not getting him fired, either. It's my ass on the line and as long as I can keep the situation under control it's not a big deal.

Comment Re:Conclusion goes too far? (Score 1) 159

As I mentioned in another post, the author went out of his way to state that it was non-routable and unreachable from the outside. It sounded like he was implying there was no subnetting (as you will always need a route to get from one subnet to another). I'm a network engineer so I know perfectly well how this should be set up. There are ways to use layer 3 switches to prevent broadcasts from going where they don't likely belong.

And, in another article discussion, I mentioned that I've redone a corporate network that was using a single class B subnet for their entire corporation. No subnetting, there was around 8,000 nodes all with /16 subnets (with an internal IP scheme using a public IP they didn't own). So people do boneheaded things all the time.

I've seen people who had resources to do things right (the company I mentioned spent $100k on network equipment due to poor performance, rather than redesigning their network properly, which is what I did). I've seen people somehow manage to set up striped RAID arrays on partitions of the same disk and complain about poor performance (still baffled how that got set up). So you can perhaps see why I can believe that PDRK can do such a crazy thing as use a flat class A.

Comment Re: Competition (Score 1) 437

- Daily reminders to reboot the phone, with the statement that they don't recommend continuing to operate the phone without restarts

The rest of the list is powerful enough, but this point is a deal breaker for me. I don't want to have to actively manage my phone's system state.

Comment Re:Conclusion goes too far? (Score 1) 159

I've got something close to that in my past...

Years ago I worked for a managed service provider with about 100 different companies all within one managed network. Part of the consumer contracts were that companies would buy their components, but would not have the power to manage them while under the contract. Also, they could only purchase approved hardware for their infrastructure (all Cisco).

Every once in a while we would get a call that people's interwebs were going super slow, or not working. In most cases they weren't allowed to have wireless, or the company wouldn't purchase new equipment for various reasons... whatever. Anyways some dude would bring in a router he got at best buy and plug it in. Usually I was able to spot it the minute someone called in with problems, email the user (if I could ID them directly), their supervisor, and maybe the CTO of the company that an unapproved device had been installed and blah blah blah. Then shut down their port until they called us to sheepishly appologize.

Better still we would get people calling in for help with their "home" wireless router. This wasn't something we supported but the service desk usually helped out to be nice. I'd overhear conversation queues and start investigating and find out that the customer was doing this from their cube. I'd shut them down and have an evil sysadmin laugh about it.

One time, though, someone got it right. They looked up their local networking and managed to configure their home router to mimic local DHCP. If they were really thinking hard, they would have set the range higher so there wouldn't be an overlap. After overhearing some service desk calls I quickly located our rogue DHCP client, shut it down, and started pushing out MAC filtering to our switches for that company (repeat offenders) for all the well-known consumer network equipment MAC addresses. So any time a D-Link, Linksys, what have you router was detected, the port would shut down for 2 minutes. I watched this happen the day after this incident as the dude walked around his office shutting down ports left and right. His supervisor had been informed that it wasn't allowed, but the dude was relentless.

Comment Re:Conclusion goes too far? (Score 1) 159

I'm a network engineer, so I'm fully aware of how one should be doing this sort of thing.

From the context of TFA the author went out of the way to mention that the IP is both non-routable and unreachable from non addresses. I inferred from this that the author meant to say that internally the call to would somehow be assumed to be on the same network of each host. I didn't find it that hard to believe because it can be done, and it's entirely possible that DPRK just doesn't have enough network nodes to really bring that sort of system to its (relative) knees.

Comment Re:Conclusion goes too far? (Score 1) 159

I'm not too familiar with how things are run in NK. But I understand that the state controls all network equipment and is successfully able to prevent its citizens from using other OSes and equipment. So the generalization is likely very accurate.

It really wouldn't even take that much work to pull this off. The hardest part would be keeping broadcast domain separation. If that IP is non-routable it means that either the entire country is on one broadcast domain or they're pulling off some relatively complicated layer 2/3 network segregation (lots of enormous lookup tables, etc). I imagine communications would be very slow all around either way.

Comment Unicorns, unicorns, unicorns (Score 1) 325

What you need is servers. Laptops aren't designed to work like that. You could possibly get away with custom desktop PCs with crazy cooling but if you're pushing envelopes all day every day laptops are a piss poor excuse for productivity. You could get some high end laptops for local processing, and push all the major work to a few dedicated servers or even a blade system if you really needed sustained calculations. But laptops are not and most likely won't be designed for all this. Some other posters have pointed out that "sustained" top processing throttles down periodically because turbo boost is only made to kick in when absolutely necessary. It heats up the processor and it has to throttle or it'll melt.

So unless you're willing to haul around a liquid cooling system in your enormous gaming laptop (which someone has probably done), you're barking up the wrong physics.

Comment Re:Competition (Score 2) 437

I think it would need to be over two years, which is generally the amount of time anyone might be expected to hold onto a phone that was sold to them. There really ought to be some more responsibility and/or accountability on the part of the carriers to support devices that know full well people will be more or less forced to carry for the next two years.

Which isn't to say that every phone within the last two years needs to get 5.0, but they should continue to receive updates and support as problems arise. My original Galaxy S (Epic on Sprint) had zero support on day one, but i think that was less about the phone and more about Sprint just sucking at knowing what to do with the recent Android explosion. Either way I still find that carriers and manufacturers all suck butt when it comes to phone support and I'll likely never buy a non-Google phone again. If they stop making them, I may just go to Windows.

Closer to the topic, I think most people who keep their eyes on the mobile industry know EXACTLY why adoption of 5.0 isn't happening. Only the Nexus line is getting the upgrade, and the upgrade runs like shit (and the G3 apparently has it). I own a Nexus 5 and 10. The 10 chokes to death on 5.0, so I leave it on 4.4.4*. My Nexus 5 had awful battery life, and busted wifi on 5.0, so I reverted to 4.4.2. Then when 5.0.1 came out I heard that wifi and battery life weren't so much of an issue. I installed the update and am pretty happy with it so far. I thought about grabbing a Nexus 6, but since they're impossible to buy unlocked without a great deal of effort and scripting I just DGAF.

So I don't know why anybody is remotely surprised by the low adoption rate.

*Some of the games I like to play just won't run on any version of Lollipop. I don't know if this is a Dalvik/ART thing or not, but the Nexus 10 just doesn't have the power for modern applications anymore, and I'll replace it within a year or so if some really great stuff comes out.

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