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Comment Wrong (Score 4, Informative) 189

This seemed fishy considering the market, so I did some poking around and, surprise!: not only does the summary totally mangle the facts of the rumor - Youtube is supposedly going to start offering premium CHANNELS for 1.99/month EACH, not a Hulu or Netflix-type broad subscription - but it's only a rumor that google has neither confirmed nor denied.

Good job.

Comment Re:So the usual F2P/P2W ploy? (Score 1) 79


The game matches you with people with decks of similar strength and you earn boosters by winning. Buying the boosters ($1 per pack of 5 with one guaranteed rare or better as of right now) just gets you there faster.

Also the other staple of physical ccgs, buying boosters filled with crap you don't need for a shot at a rare you can use, is updated with a crafting system - cards you don't need can be broken down into dust to be crafted into specific rares etc you actually want.

Comment How about this (Score 1) 978

There's gotta be a table somewhere that shows, more or less, how many ads a person like me potentially would click on a year and fundamentally what that's worth. Figure out what that amount is, combine it with my, say, top 5 or top 10 visited sites, multiply it by 100 (since it's probably pennies), make it easy for me to pay and I'll cut them a check in exchange for an ad-free browsing experience.

I pay for NPR; I would pay for my most visited websites if they made it easy.

Comment The Post? (Score 1) 49

Let me get this straight, the New York Post histrionically asserted something with little consideration for a developing story and ran with it before all the facts were in?


Did you know that water is wet, too?

Comment Re:Yay (Score 2, Insightful) 2987

In order to kill somebody with a knife, you need to really, really want to. You need to consider the biology, see them as a person. You need to work at it.

To kill someone with a gun, you need to be in the vicinity of the person and you need to point at them. You don't need to humanize them at all.

There is a difference.

Comment yeah? (Score 2) 153

"But since nearly 25 million people are expected to use this tool come this Christmas, this will definitely benefit Bing in the ongoing competition for online map applications."

Yeah? Prove it.

Comment Uniball (Score 1) 712

Personally? Uniball Micro. Perfect balance of usability, ink color, balance, weight, etc. I'm left-handed, too, so quick-drying ink is essential.

I find most "fancy" pens to be too large, preferring a narrow, unadorned barrel. I write a lot, and each pen lasts months. And their blue ink is gorgeous.

I have boxes of them in storage in case they ever stop being made.

Comment Re:Why do they call him governor? (Score 1) 706

But why go after Romney for "arguably" blowing off one out of his 4 years in office, and not after Obama who blew off 3 of 6? BOTH used it as a political stepping stone, this isnt unusual.

Romney kept his job as governor and ignored his position and the commonwealth he was entrusted to protect for a year to run for president. Obama resigned his position to run. There's a big difference between those two courses of action.

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We gave you an atomic bomb, what do you want, mermaids? -- I. I. Rabi to the Atomic Energy Commission
