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Comment Re:It has passed in South Korea and is fading in I (Score 2) 203

Chine is over. The number of new cases per day is less than 20.

Why am I having trouble with that number? China has 34 provinces, Wuhan is just one. Every one of those provinces is going to get infection rates roughly similar to Wuhan sooner or later, this is just how a pandemic works. We haven't seen those reports, so the current claim of decline is simply disinformation. Closer to the truth: the Chinese government now feels that getting the economy going again is more important than limiting infection rates, or telling the truth.

That sounds pretty much like every government ever established.

Submission + - Public Health: Classified ( 3

sehlat writes: Reuters published an article this morning that began: "The White House has ordered federal health officials to treat top-level coronavirus meetings as classified, an unusual step that has restricted information and hampered the U.S. government’s response to the contagion, according to four Trump administration officials."

According to the article, the classification kept people vital to the battle against the virus out of the meetings.

Comment At Least Some Resistance is Financial (Score 1) 94

My wife, myself, and my brother's girlfriend, all of us 67 or older, bought expen$ive tickets to Sting's "The Last Ship." When we got the word that people over 65 were being strongly advised NOT to attend gatherings involving large numbers of people, it took a fair amount of effort just to apply for a refund, including my having to supply "... a short written/typed note from your Doctor (signed and on headed paper) which excludes you from attending the booked event due to being a high risk patient."

I doubt that the requirements involved were no more than an attempt to hang on to the ticket money. Modern tickets are essentially scanner tags for people, and if a ticket is canceled, it's useless. The entire procedure was no more than an attempt to discourage me and my family from claiming a refund for a performance we could/should not attend.

As I said, some resistance is nothing more than greed.

Comment Re:poachers would just start shooting the albatros (Score 1) 71

Do I *really* need to point out that if albatrosses WHICH ARE BEING TRACKED are dropping like flies,
that the people tracking them will quickly figure out where they dropped and perhaps realize that
people shooting albatrosses just MIGHT be doing something illegal and are trying to conceal it
by shooting said albatrosses?

Comment Re:Was the (Score 3, Insightful) 28

B2B software actually malicious or just another case of a lazy dev who failed to keep up with standards?

It doesn't matter which case (malice or laziness). Either the code is included or it's downloaded. If it's included, there's only one attack surface: your machine. If it's not, then the remote machine is also in the game. That doubles your attack surface right there.

Comment Re:End of Win7? (Score 1) 166

I told my brother about this little bit of discussion. Here's his comment on the replies:

Interesting quibbles. I should have said their (MS's) current dominance rather than
control of the PC OS space. My own experience with non techies suggests a universal
minimum of 6 months of hellish confusion and frustration whenever that sort of user
switches OS's, even if both are MS. It's much longer otherwise. Learning enough Zone
Alarm to make it work to shield an already learned (memorized) Win 7 setup is MUCH
simpler for them. However, whether a non technical user would perceive that difference
in effort and go with ZA instead of learning a new OS, THAT's a good point. They would
if the enjoy their privacy online, but how many care? Most are pushed into Win 10 by
EOL fear mongering and the lack of off the shelf Win 7 systems in the obvious retail
outlets, even if they DO care about their privacy in the abstract. I just wanted the
comparatively simple fix out there if the non techies care enough to look. Yes, it IS
a noob solution. That's a feature not a bug. :) Fin.

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