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Comment Re:Hazardous to our Health (Score 1) 365

It gets better. The IRS commissioner who was in charge when the IRS was denying tax-exempt status to right-wing political groups is now in charge of implementing Obamacare requirements. Naw, there won't be any partisan shenanigans. How dare you even think that? You wouldn't want your dear old granny to be denied that hip operation now would you?

Comment Re:That's nice (Score 0) 717

Nice pile of strawmen you got there. Nobody but you is saying that laws are no good unless they're 100% effective. And nobody but you is saying that the analogy between drugs and guns is no good unless it's 100% perfect.

As for background checks and other loopholes, it's just a step towards confiscation. "Oh, your paperwork isn't 100% perfect so you're guilty of a federal felony. We're here to take away your illegal guns now." Your congresscritters gave that game away when they voted against the amendment that would have made it illegal to use background checks to establish a national gun registry.

Yes, we do have the right to own guns and to carry them, it is in the constitution, right along with the freedom of speech that you probably value. But hey, it's just a piece of paper so let's get rid of the whole inconvenient thing. See, I can do strawmen too.

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