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Comment Re:This is laughable... (Score 0) 455

Yet we still can't answer basic questions about ourselves like 'why do we require sleep?' or 'what is a healthy diet?'. I think it is the height of arrogance to think we can achieve in a few decades what took nature billions of years. Today's computers are intelligent in the same way that a parrot is fluent in language.

Comment Re:Number is irrelevant compared to severity (Score 1) 170

I would guess that they release when it is likely that they themselves are exposed, or when it is possible that the exploit is already used by others, which may increase their chance of being caught. Their ideal exploit to keep secret is probably in the realm of mathematical cryptographic weaknesses, random number generators being weighted, and other things that are really hard to find and hard to determine if your data has been exposed.

Comment Re:Ought to bring down ... (Score 4, Interesting) 151

I worked in IT for a police force for a time. These systems have already been in place for more than 10 years, Ford is just making them an option on the Interceptor rather than requiring an after-market solution. And yes, police do get in shit for going 50kph over the speed limit without their siren on. Not that that stopped some of them.

Comment Re:So, it has come to this. (Score 1) 742

That's interesting. Here in Ontario it's the opposite, people are almost always let go without cause and given at least the minimum severance required by law so they won't sue. I'm not a business owner, but I think the employment insurance payments are set based only on an employee's pay. Fascinating how much small differences in similar government programs can affect behavior.

Comment Re:Not surprising (Score 3, Interesting) 392

You haven't worked much as a developer. Having built systems used by tens of millions of users I guarantee you that every time Amazon rolls out an update to the store or cloud software there's an ops person biting their nails hoping the system doesn't die. When Google released Gmail they only allowed each user to invite a certain number of friends in order to slowly ramp up the system. Writing any software that is made to have millions of users on day one is really fucking hard.

On top of that steps 2 and 3 require interacting with external systems who may also not be able to handle load well, and probably use a combination of buggy and poorly documented interfaces, and step 5 requires reading a bill so long that the people who voted for it didn't bother to read it. You're grossly trivializing the problem.

Comment Re:Standards (Score 1) 152

It's worse than that. Large companies will lobby government to make sure that not only government contractors must be certified on the standard, so must anyone who sells to certain regulated industries. Want to sell to airlines or food processors, even if it's non-critical software? Hope you're certified.

Comment Re:And how long does it take... (Score 3, Informative) 190

The only places you need quick-charge station are places where people will be traveling long distances. Most of the time people will charge overnight at home. Most highways have areas where you could easily build a huge lot with rapid chargers. I suspect the larger issue most places will be finding and transporting enough power to charge perhaps hundreds of cars at one time.

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