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Comment Re:Reflections (Score 2) 960

I've found a lot of it goes down to the disconnect from hardware. I've met WAY too many developers that'll just allocate more RAM rather than understand WHY they have to keep doing so, and what the performance implications are, especially on lesser hardware or when the dataset grows beyond their testing data set and hits the production data set.

Comment Re:Reflections (Score 2) 960

I'm in a similar position, but it's a really small company. So I was actually hired on with the intention of me being a part-time sysadmin. I actually like it like that, being able to do stuff other than just development all the time. Wearing many hats makes me happy, but I realize that I'm in the minority usually.

Comment Re:Norquist is hardly alone.... (Score 1) 954

Who the fuck supports a platform, for a major party in a democratic republic, that says: "We get every single thing we want and you get nothing you want. If you don't comply, we'll watch it all burn until you give it."

Sounds like the Dems, alright. Oh, you meant the Reps? Alas, both Parties are dancing to that tune right now.

Except the Democrats have compromised on nearly everything already, hell they even put up cuts to Social Security and Medicare to compromise, but the Republicans refused to entertain any Tax Increases at all and shot it down. It would seem the only one's playing the game of "We get what we want or else" is the Republicans.

Comment Re:So both and get it done! (Score 5, Interesting) 954

By the same token, everyone can agree that spending cuts are necessary. Except the Dems of course. Note that the biggest proponent of NOT cutting Defense Spending is Obama's Secretary of Defense, not the Republicans

Hold on...this isn't the Secretary of Defense suggesting a spending cuts? What about Obama suggesting Defense Spending Cuts Here. It seems your information is wrong. Every proposal that the Democrats have made included defense spending cuts. It was the Republicans who refused to cut defense spending.

The rest of your post I completely agree with though.

Comment Re:Movies (Score 1) 440

It's not hard to rip movies, and once you do it once you're done... it's something you can just go check every now and then and swap disks when necessary while you're doing something else. Kinda like doing the laundry.

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