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Comment Re:OS Lock In (Score 3, Insightful) 173

Do you truly, honestly, I mean...REALLY believe that Microsoft expends any time at all even thinking about ReactOS or WINE, let alone worrying about the .00000000000001 of a fraction of a portion of a negligible amount of a percent effect it might, MIGHT have on their bottom line?

Seriously, answer seriously, please.

Comment Re:Obama, Kerry, et al. (Score 1) 519

But the administration (who I voted for and otherwise support) and the NSA are full of people who were conducing what should be illegal and probably are unconstitutional US spying operations IN THE UNITED STATES.

Yeah, have you given some thought to that? This NSA you've been ranting about has been Obama's NSA for over half a decade. He's in charge. He's responsible.

Comment Re: what's wrong with public transportation? (Score 1) 190

Please give me some sort of source to your claim.

According to this page the average number of bus passengers in the UK is 9, and buses get about 6 MPG. So that is 54 passenger-miles per gallon, which is about as good as one person in an electric car, or two people in a gasoline powered car. But even that overstates the case for buses, since they drive a fixed non-optimal route, where a car goes directly to the passenger's destination, so the "miles" are not equivalent.

So ... us "bitter clingers" with our icky big families in our minivans have that beat by a country mile :)

Comment Re:what's wrong with public transportation? (Score 4, Insightful) 190

why can't google and everyone else support public transportation?

lobby SF and California to build some train tracks and stops at the big corporate parks to start and build out from there to the smaller towns.

i'm all for car ownership and driving on weekends but when you have the same trip that so many people take everyday there should be a public option

1. Freedom.

2. Groceries.

3. Children.

Not necessarily in that order.

Comment Re:Why So Many Programming and Scripting Languages (Score 1) 142

Holy Christopher Columbus! Was it bring your favourite programming language to work month?

Seriously, this is a clear indication to me that this thing probably had all the halmarks of bad projects:

  1. Design by committee - definitely little thought given to KISS. No unifying approach/structure.
  1. No central control of the implementation standards.
  1. No thought of manageability/longevity/lifecycle of the code base - expediency at the expense of resiliency.

Managing that brittle monstrosity is going to be painful over the long haul. I feel for whoever gets that job.

The questions for those of us in the business: Why do we continue the cycle of poor craftsmanship/performance? What can we do about it?

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