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Comment Re:This is going to be interesting (Score 0) 198

The base Model S has over twice the HP of the i4, plus either 70 or 100 miles more range (depending on which page of the site you look at). I think the Model S is also significantly larger, but I don't have numbers on it. I would never buy an S -- I think the yoke may be the stupidest idea to ever make into production since the Yugo -- but it has much better specs than the i4 (with a price tag $35,000 higher).

Comment Another Ithaco reaction wheel failure? (Score 1) 35

Reaction wheels are a frequent cause of failures. This paper (PDF) discusses a possible cause as "electrical discharge across the bearings due to rapid spacecraft charging in a volatile space plasma environment". I'm not claiming that this is the root cause for the Swift's problem, but it seemed like a reasonable explanation.

Comment Re:Rich getting richer (Score 1) 45

Neither. Fidelity doesn't "make anybody whole" when my portfolio drops. Why would Coinbase be any different? And it's certainly not on the taxpayers / city treasury to pay more (or less) than his mandated salary.

I'm not really sure why this thread has turned to baseless allegations of bribery.

Comment Re:Is it Kosher though? NYT ironically left that d (Score 1) 91

You haven't heard about it because it's not the prevailing opinion (I'll set aside that kosher is about dietary laws). However, like everything else in Judaism (and most other religions), there are differing opinions on what is allowed. Wikipedia says organ donation is allowed. Chabad agrees. There is nuance around donations that occur while the heart is still beating.

Comment Re:could go either way (Score 1) 61

Minor nit, but EngineOwning's customers are breaking the EULA, not bypassing it.

As mentioned in TFA, in addition to DMCA violations, Activision's claim will include intentional interference with contractual relations:

[P]laintiff must prove four elements: (1) that a valid contract existed, (2) that defendant had knowledge of the contract, (3) that defendant acted intentionally and improperly, and (4) that plaintiff was injured by the defendantâ(TM)s actions.

Most of these elements are trivial to prove. The only open question AFAICT is whether EngineOwning acted 'improperly'. I think EngineOwning will have a tough time defending themselves, but this suit surely can't be a surprise.

Comment Re:The Party Like Its 1999 is Over (Score 2) 270

I don't know if we saw the same things, but it doesn't seem like a placeholder to me. It looks like a way to get mortgages easier or cheaper, which certainly could be a reliable revenue stream. I don't think there is much you can do with the site before you create an account and sign in, which I was unwilling to do.

Comment Re:OK.... (Score 1) 290

Cashless tolling (no booths, no stopping) has been a thing for a while now. I live in the northeast US, in an area with lots of toll roads, and they are rapidly being converted to cashless. In areas where tolls are being proposed, adding booths is not on the table.

Comment Re:Something you lose plus something you forget (Score 2) 108

2FA doesn't require SMS - in fact SMS is not great for 2FA because phone number takeover is possible (the weak link is the port-out mechanism at your existing carrier - set a password on that if you can). Apps such as Google Authenticator, Authy, etc. are more secure. Hardware keys are another good option.

Comment Re:Why is this a problem? (Score 1) 111

A green card allows permanent residency and employment. Most people in a technical field applying for a green card have been in the US for years working on an H-1B visa. They want to stay in the US, or they want to bring a spouse over. With a green card, they will be able to switch employers more easily than they can with an H-1B visa, and thus will be less susceptible to being underpaid.

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