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Comment Re: Umm... Lulz.... (Score 3, Insightful) 253

Yes and no.

The European economy is contrary to 5 or 6 years ago presently plenty strong enough to absorb the exit of Greece from the Euro.

But for the EU it is a matter practicality and also of honour to keep the lot together, it is the difference between a continuing struggle and complete failure for the Greek economy and people.

Comment Taxation (Score 1) 253

The lax tax moral of the Greek was together with the huge number of public servants an important reason their economy faltered.

The government of this game developer wants to re-employ many of the laid off people so fixing the tax system is probably the only option they have left to keep the country from again falling over.

And such a currency can include many safeguards to ensure taxes are going to be paid.

Comment Re:Most Secret War (Score 2) 77

I too remember his funeral, the man was iconic.

And working for a UK based company I see problems in the English culture that have caused the losers of WWII to now be the owner and manager of great British brands like Rolls Royce, Bentley and Mini auto mobiles.
Others like Vauxhal and Ford are just manufacturing plants building largely German engineered cars. Mazda and Toyota took over other factories.

The British (English!) problem is they are so cock-sure of their own products they can't believe you need to continually work on improvement, "hey we have the best engineers in the world, this X-years old design is the best, change can't be an improvement".

Even now the Brits have some brilliant engineers but until they recognise the outside world has moved on they will never be successful outside their own country.

Oh and let's not forget the considerable number of followers of that idiot drunk Nigel Farage that want to close up even more. We're seventy years after the end of WWII and the following disintegration of the Empire and they still don't see the value of openness for future progress. Churchill was a Liberal Conservative, the Liberals is the UK party with the least support and the Conservatives with their shining example Cameron don't understand the modern world...

Comment A legal system (Score 5, Insightful) 83

Yes Africa is rife with corruption.

Some see it as a natural thing, that's really sad because now they won't oppose it.
Others see it as the result of colonialism but we're 20-50 years on and things only got worse...

Talking about Ebola, two months ago I arrived in Angola and they had temperature screening for those getting off the plane.
Rather sad was this was only done for foreigners, those with an Angolan passport are apparently immune :(.
Africa is rife with corruption and corruption breeds what we'd otherwise see as stupidity but for individuals it's really just a way of survival.

The only effective way to fight corruption is to have a solid legal system and from European experience we learn that needs to be in place for several generations before it becomes effective.
Since the British occupation of South Africa it had a reasonable judiciary but now Zuma's ANC has taken over it is left to die, laws are watered down and officials installed based on their race and political affiliation.

It is a sad conclusion but even in the best scenario Africa will be corrupt for at least the next century.

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