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Comment What a rather limited view of our options... (Score 1) 352

Why would we just use one bomb? If its necessary, start hitting it with everything we have in an orderly fashion, hell we can probably change trajectory enough to prevent catastrophe with multiple detonations at a particular area, think Project Orion with the asteroid as the space craft (and we don't care if the craft disintegrates in the process).


Comment Re:"first they ignore you" (Score 1) 610

they are overturning MS in the "home turf" of corporate business customers. They do so without creating a separate business line of devices, "Enterprise" software or the RFQ-response configuration choices, beloved by hardware vendors selling to corporations.

I strongly disagree, Apple abandoned its corporate business customers when they abandoned XServe, which was in fact a fantastic 'enterprise' ecosystem. Being an Agency, we still use Apple products for our creative teams, but no longer consider their technology for any infrastructure (eg Thunderbolt storage options). Soon I will be proposing a move from their equipment entirely for even the Creative team, but the upgrade period expected for them is still 1+ years out, we'll see if they do anything remotely innovative business wise for companies that aren't just 2-5 people using shared storage.

I grew to love OS X as I used it more, but Apple's decisions in terms of business support (and the apparent move to an iOS/app store ecosystem) just isn't something that improves the state of computing in business.

Comment Re:Van Art (Score 1) 212

From the link:

In a bar, Bobby unsuccessfully approaches women, including Sally. Finally, a pinball playing girl agrees sharing a joint in his van. Though going hand-in-hand, she objects his moves. Laughing it off, he tries raping her, but Bobby discovers she has stuffed her over-sized bra with wads of toilet paper, and she runs off.

Sounds super classy.

Comment Re:oh please (Score 1) 241

I have a 'cloud' hosted site for a work project, I redeived a maintenance notification email saying that the 'cloud server 8' machine that I am hosted on will be down for maintenance and the site will be offline for 30 mins to 3 hours. Apparently a shared hosting account on a cloud is still tied to a single machine/VM based on my host's logic (and the reason we went with the 'cloud' option for more $$ per month instead of cheap-o hosting that would perform relatively the same).

There are so many different "cloud" designations in the webhosting field alone that it shows what a bullshit buzzword 'cloud' is.

All that said, there is one "cloud"esque solution that is working, Google Apps for Business is a hell of a lot cheaper TCO than MS Exchange could ever hope to be for tens of users.

Comment Re:It doesn't matter (Score 1) 714

Shouting fire in a theater causes panic, a panicked crowd effectively denies liberty to the individuals that make up the crowd. Someone raping his daughter is denying liberty. We have a justice system for a reason, because nothing is important enough that it takes priority over liberty and freedom of speech, and we have all agreed not to allow each other to deprive others of these as a matter of our (U.S.) civilized society and legal system.

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